I Remained Committed and Have Manifested So Much


Manifestations Called In (long post) I started this work 3 months ago and have really felt like I’ve been in a rut. I’ve remained committed and active and exercise has been the most helpful for this energy. I also had/have a lot to unblock and a lot of worth/authenticity to step into. I finally started to receive manifestations. I’m a manifesting generator (non specific). I’m also a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Rising and Cancer Moon (not sure the connection with manifesting yet). The first one was a pair of Sorel Boots that weren’t on my list. I happened to be casually browsing boots (I’m obsessed) on poshmark and was looking at tons of Sorel’s that were still pretty pricey. I thought “I’ll get them at some point” and shut the app and didn’t look again. A week or so later I went to Goodwill searching for a hot plate and just happened to look in the half off box. There was a pair of Sorel Boots my size for 5$! They were only missing a shoelace! The second manifestation was a living situation. I’ve been searching tirelessly for a place (current is toxic) and it is on my list. I kept imagining a yurt and it had to be in the mountains. I struggled with the amount I wanted because I live in a VERY expensive town where reasonably priced places are rare and usually come at another cost so I was having a hard time imagining and believing it. 

Then on NYE some good friends offered their spare bedroom to float me if needed. That re-instilled some hope in me. I then wrote the price in my list. A week later I was talking to some other friends and one offered me to sublet their yurt for 2 months at the price I am manifesting. This is perfect due to allowing me to save the proper amount for my own place (deposit and such) as it is less than half what I pay now. 

The next manifestations are around fitness. I spend a lot of money between dance, yoga, climbing and barre. There’s not 1 place to find them all. I thought I would reach out to the climbing gym owner to see if I could teach yoga there so I can have a membership and it went through! Then I was at a barre class and the owner (who taught the class) started a conversation with me and it turned into her wanting me to teach yoga there too! Yoga isn’t my career but my experience is extensive and I love it so this was a great way to lower my exercise costs! I also have never loved using my teaching of yoga as a way to make money (I’ve always found more joy in gifting it or making it donation) so to get memberships and potential pay is so thrilling. I hope this inspires some of you! I still feel like other areas are a bit blocked but when I do the work morning and night it really does make a difference, not to mention the stress release from the DI’s.


I Must Share This Magic Story!


I Walked Away, & Then Manifested The Perfect Living Situation