I Walked Away, & Then Manifested The Perfect Living Situation

A couple months ago I shared how I manifested something from my micro list. A month or so later I had a really bad and frustrating day with my partner and after what seemed like hours of crying I told myself, "ok, you're done. This is too much", I laid down, woke up from a nap, and was gifted something else pretty expensive from my micro list! This was 2 of 3. 

My Micro List: Vitamix (check) Berkey Water Filter (check), and dyson. 

Like, how?! and this was before I really started doing the work - I'd only gone through How To Manifest & Inner Child. I started to think look - obviously something is going on here because every time I get close to walking away I literally get GIFTED something. On Friday, I broke things off with my partner who I've been on and off with going on 5 years. I really put my whole heart into this last time and tried my best but had to finally walk away. 

I started looking at apartments on CL - 1 bedrooms/studio ONLY but decided well maybe i'll look at shared rooms because maybe something accidentally got posted in the wrong category. Saw a weird sketchy no pic cheap rent post that I was positive was a scam. I replied anyway because I heard those are the best ones. I got an email the next day with only a phone number. Like, WHAT? I have to call someone (first world probs). I call and it's what sounds like to be the nicest woman ever, like, EVER - we connect but I still wasn't sure. The next day I decided to go. 

I can't describe the whole walk through because this would be an even longer post but it was everything and more, like too good to be true and she was the NICEST person. Long story short, I went home that night and I remembered back in October when I made my micro and macro list I also wrote about my perfect apartment and it checked everything off. Under $1600 - it's $900. Utilities included, private bathroom, and optional private entrance. White Walls or Paintable - they were already white. Pet friendly and walking - yes and safe area. One of the ideal locations I wrote down. "Bonus: Garden Space" - when I walked in the backyard there were two huge empty plots! The thing that I thought was the craziest is that I was holding out for a long time to live by myself again and it was the only thing that wasn't totally checked off BUT THEN.. when we were talking she was telling me how she was eventually going to start building a cottage in the back and if I was interested when its done, I could rent that instead. Like what, THAT IS INSANE. It's like everything she was saying was everything I wanted and needed and I didn't even have to ask.


I Remained Committed and Have Manifested So Much


The Transformation Alone Has Been Worth Doing The Work!