The Transformation Alone Has Been Worth Doing The Work!

What was on your manifestation list?


What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops? 

Unblocked Love, Unblocked Inner Child, Rut, Unblocked Full Moon, Unblocked Money, How To Manifest and the DREs. I realised that I don’t believe I deserve to have my needs met; that I want a partner to rescue me; that my self-worth is directly attached to what I am doing for someone else; that I am codependent; that I have an enmeshed relationship with my mother; that I have a fear of commitment and being engulfed in a relationship as well as a fear of being abandoned. 

What expanders did you find?

1 friend who has a partner with similar qualities to what in looking for (adventurous, present, financial stability, kind, thoughtful); 1 expander / test with similar qualities to what I am looking for (kind, thoughtful, affectionate, honest, monogamous, intelligent, respectful); 1 expander who was 95% of what was on my list; 2 expanders who were engaged within 1 year; 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

1 expander / test who was similar to qualities on my list but wanted to be rescued. Not sleeping with him and ending things with him as soon as I realised he was a test. Breaking past low self worth habits of responding to any of the past flings that I knew weren’t serious suitors who crept in to my inbox for attention. Running into the fire with someone who was 95% of what was on my list but was geographically unavailable and not falling into past low self-worth habits of future tripping or anxious attachment. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

For about 9 months after my rock bottom (ending a relationship, leaving a toxic job and removing my toxic mother from my life), I didn’t receive a single test or suitor. Then a few small tests came through before the suitor who was geographically unavailable and whom I ran into the fire with. My manifestation hasn’t yet come through and so there may be more magic dark to come, but I wanted to share this as I thought it might be expansive. 

How did your manifestation come through?

This isn't a story about my manifestation coming through, but I wanted to share it anyway as I thought it might be expansive for some. I have been manifesting a partner for what feels like my whole life. In dating, I have always struggled with both anxious attachment and love avoidance, codependency, attracting unavailable men and not believing I was worthy of having my needs met. After a rock bottom and doing this work for about 12 months, with only very small tests coming through, the Universe presented me with someone who was almost everything on my list, except that he lived in a different country. I ran into the fire because even though I knew this was a past low-self worth habit, I felt like there was a lesson for me. We had a two week fling and in that time he treated me better and met more of my emotional needs than men I had previously been in long term relationships with, showing me just how much I have transformed my beliefs, to clearly believe I deserve to be treated this way or I wouldn't have attracted him. What was most expansive for me, though was that where I previously would have attached to him (even in such a short time), future tripped, felt insecure and fear about him being 'the one', and suffered extreme anxiety that I wouldn't meet someone else if he left, I did almost none of this and, when I did, I was able to pull myself out of it fast. I was completely secure in what our brief relationship was and felt no loss, fear or attachment when he left. I had the utmost trust that if he was my manifestation, it would work from anywhere in the world and flow naturally, and if not then there would be someone else. While this might not be my manifestation, I wanted to share it to show just how powerful Lacy's work is. I can't begin to describe how incredible feeling so secure is after the history of anxiety, attachment and trauma bonding that I previously felt in relationships. Even though I don't yet have my manifestation, this transformation alone has been worth joining the pathway and doing the work for!


I Walked Away, & Then Manifested The Perfect Living Situation


I Knew Your Work Would Take Me To The Next Level