I Knew Your Work Would Take Me To The Next Level

Hi Lacy, my name is Brooke Mitchell and I first heard about your work about 2 years ago. One of my best friends, Whitney first started your work back in your Free and Native days. It didn’t take much convincing for me to sign up for The Pathway myself in March of 2019. I am an Aries sun/Pisces moon/ Libra rising, non-specific Manifesting Generator, so things have been happening for me at lightning speed, to say the least. I am a shameless fangirl of all that you do and stand for. It has been a delightful experience going through the process with Whitney who is a Taurean Projector and a specific manifestor. We are experiencing the process dramatically different but are having so much fun watching each other’s lives unfold according to our Human Design! Her process, moving like a beautiful rose blooming ever so slow and gently, and mine like a meteor shower! Thank you so much for being an example to the world of someone who lives 100% authentically and giving us a glimpse of what life will be like as we make the huge shift into the future of this planet. What an exciting time to be alive and part of this journey together. You are a HUGE expander for me and many others!


I am 25 years old and thus far, I can relate to your similar experiences in your 20’s. My

mom came here as a refugee from Vietnam in 1975, escaping the Vietnam war. My Vietnamese side of the family used to live a lifestyle close to royalty, until communism took over. When my relatives arrived in America, they came here with the clothes on their backs. My dad is 1⁄2 Polish and the other half is 1⁄2 black and 1⁄2 mexican. Which makes me a true American mut and have lots of ancestral history to uncover! He grew up in Pasadena, CA in the early 70’s, roaming the projects with young parents. I didn’t grow up with very much money and had (still have) a LOT of unblocking to do in regards to my attitude towards money. I have a few close family members who struggled with alcoholism which made me an extremely codependent child.

Fast forward, I’ve been hustling and surviving off part time jobs since I was 15 and battled with an extremely toxic romantic relationship where I was also the doormat and put a spotlight on my insane codependency issues. (OPERATING FROM LOW SELF WORTH maybe even negative level self worth/ 1ST ROCK BOTTOM--> EXTREME HEARTBREAK). I quit pursuing my Business degree because it was sucking the life out of me and found the path of yoga teacher training (beginning to discover and raise SELF WORTH/ Thanks to Whitney whose aunt is our yoga teacher!).

I wanted to make $5,000 a month, a pretty comfortable income for a single person I thought. I was completely broke, had just sold my car to pay for bills and my debt, and took off to Bali for a month to run away from my life. When I came home and needed cash fast, I got a new serving job and a few months time I was making $5,000 a month steadily, moved into my own apartment (which I manifested identically to what I put on my vision board... as a non-specific, vision boards work extremely well for me) and bought a new car, but completely burning myself out. 

Around this time was when I started The Pathway. I had always been a powerful manifestor but never had any language or structure for it. I knew your work would take me to the next level because I had manifested finding my yoga teacher, the exact income I wanted, and apartment before starting The Pathway. It was only a matter of time until I started to feel pain in my thumb, wrist, and forearm. Soon enough, I was wearing a brace and dropping plates left and right, waking up in the middle of the night from what felt like a fire burning on my arm in pain. I’ve never had an injury before (TEST). When I finally gave myself a sliver of time away from serving in pain, I went to visit the chiropractor that my best friend had been urging me to see for months, Dr. Wendie Scott. Just like that- I was out of work for 3 weeks, she couldn’t believe the pain that I was pushing through. As an Aries MG I didn’t know how to stop, and I knew the injury was a big sign telling me to slow down. Now, I had a new apartment, new car, and no income. Once again, completely in a financial bind, yet I learned so many lessons about family support and love, friends who stick through the muddy waters, shame, and owning my brokenness. In this physical and financial healing process, I spent a lot of time staring at the wall asking myself “What am I going to do now? What am I doing with my life? What is my purpose here?” (MAGIC DARK). I knew the serving job was temporary and one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to deepen my yoga practice and inherently know that I am a healer, but don’t know which modality was for me. I was given the opportunity to experience physical therapy covered by work comp, it helped but it didn’t light me up. Receiving chiropractic treatment from Dr. Wendie on the other hand, opened up a whole NEW WORLD. The pings and synchronicities that I continue to have with Dr. Wendie are all confirmation that I am headed on the right path.

Still unable to serve or use my arm much at all, I had to find another job to help me pay rent. After deep thought, I figured I could be a receptionist, maybe at a chiropractor’s office so I can at least be in the environment and get my foot in the door (BRIDGE JOB). My yoga instructor, Kelley, informed me that there are holistic chiropractors and fundamental chiropractors and urged me to consider the differences between them. While casually laying on the beach with her I remember asking the question in my head, “Where can I find a holistic chiropractor?”. Then, on the Leo full moon a few of my friends gathered to make vision boards and one of our friends randomly started sharing about a holistic chiropractor who healed his injury dramatically just by “correcting” his upper cervical spine. My antenna shot up and the next day I researched the doctor. I stumbled upon the doctor’s podcast where she was announcing a farewell, opening up her own practice called Well Connected Chiropractic in Mission Viejo. I live in San Clemente so I was delighted to hear she was closer to home than my restaurant job. I listened to every episode and was immediately hooked hearing the patients testimonies! After spending about 5 hours online applying for any jobs I could find that were not labor intensive, I saw one posting for a receptionist at a chiropractor’s office. Click! As you would have it, it was Well Connected Chiropractic. I wrote a cover letter and emailed them ASAP.

A few days later, I was offered an interview, and shortly after, I was hired. I also started Unblocked Money at this time and after 2 1⁄2 weeks of completing my training, I was given a dollar RAISE! Who gets raises in the 1st 2 weeks of working!? This a HUGE energetic celebration and accomplishment! Not to mention, during my interview, Dr. Hoefer said that one of the perks to her employees is to offer complementary care for me plus one family member! Not only did my injury lead me to my career interest, but my new job is covering my healing process too?! Thanks, Uni! Dr. Hoefer is the only female in Orange County who practices this style of chiropractic. One of her goals is to help put more Blair doctors out into the world! I am excited to return to school with a clear path and goal in mind. I now have two female chiropractor expanders and mentors who are so eager to support me on this journey!

The technique that Dr. Hoefer practices is called the Blair technique. I immediately related it to your manifestation work because you focus so much on neurology. I really feel there is a connection to be made with her work and your manifestation process. I am so grateful for your work leading me here.


Pathway / Money


The Transformation Alone Has Been Worth Doing The Work!


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