A Freaky Perfect Manifestation Happened Within A Month

Sharing a housing manifestation: I wanted to share a freaky perfect manifestation that happened within a month of joining the program. For context, I live nomadically in a 13 foot camper trailer. I was teaching yoga and meditation in New York City for eight years but saved up my money, and moved out into the trailer in October. I traveled to Southern California and I’m presently in a very special desert town. 

When I first arrived I was renting a spot on the lot of an animal sanctuary. It was a little too pricey for what I can afford in the long-term (about $600 a month) plus it was kind of dirty.  There were no electric or water hook ups and I knew I needed to find something better. I wanted to manifest a place for $200 a month (which I didn’t even believe as I wrote it down but sensed that’s what it should be). Plus I wanted to be somewhere truly inspired and inspiring. I wanted it to be beautiful.  About a week after I wrote this down I received a random email from an old yoga student who was going to be coming to this town. I literally haven’t spoken to this woman for eight years. And she just contacted me out of the blue. She invited me to a medicine wheel ceremony. I went and visited with her, then decided to go to the ceremony the next day. I had a feeling there was some kind of connection that was going to happen at the ceremony that would be important. 

The older man who ran the ceremony was absolutely lovely, not only did he lead a beautiful and insightful journeying meditation but he also gave me great compliments on the quality of my energy and presence. I felt very seen by him.  About a week after the ceremony I was starting to get desperate about where I would move to. I had studied various options online and just couldn’t find the right place. I got a ping to reach out to the man who led the medicine ceremony.  I texted him my request for an amazing inspired place and said I had the feeling that he would know people with both the property and the energy that would be a good fit for me. 

He did not write me back for three days. Then he sent me two options. The first one was totally a test. It was a really cool property with an absolutely amazing older woman running it. But if I were to stay there I would need to do a work trade working 10 hours a week. I knew I just couldn’t sacrifice 40 hours of my energy per month for a place to live. The second option was another amazing woman who had a gorgeous private property, well secluded with fences, all hook ups for my camper (electric and water). Beyond that she is a teacher in the lineage of shamanic practices that I have been studying since my teens.  When I came to meet her she was so excited to connect. She had looked me up on my website and already knew I was the perfect fit. In fact, she told me about a conversation she had had with a friend a couple weeks ago where they had written down all the qualities of the woman she would love to come camp on her property. I was exactly that person. She said her only reservation was that she didn’t believe someone that wonderful could possibly materialize. When it came to talking about price the funniest thing happened. I was trying to talk her up over 200 and she kept talking me back down to 200. Ultimately we settled on 200 a month until a couple other upgrades happen on the property. 

Not only is this an ideal place for me to be parked for the winter, but the woman who owns the property is becoming a totally inspiring friend. We like to walk together at dusk and share where we are at in our spiritual and self-realization practices.  All this happened in the span of a few weeks. I hope some of you might find a touch of inspiration here. Looking forward to manifesting the next thing…




I Knew Your Work Would Take Me To The Next Level


Grateful For Such An Impactful Test