Heal So You’re Prepared & Can Enjoy The Ride

*lights up*

*curtains drawn open*

Act I:

The two months leading up to this current global health scare, I finished up Unblocked Inner Child + most of Unblocked Shadow. I followed my pings, and I’m moving to CA from WA state end of March. Yay.

Act II:

Now, I had planned to visit my folks in OR for just a couple days before crossing into CA and magnetizing a bridge job + apt once I arrived. Ah yes, the Plan was “full-proof.”

*Pandemic lockdown enters the scene, stage left*

(Gasp from the audience)

Act III:

I’m “stuck” in OR with my family until further notice. Now, Dad emotionally snacks in the middle of the night + then goes back to sleep (which isn’t good for his health, duh!) and I sleep near the kitchen, so I witness it. Every. Time.

This used to trigger me deep bc I previously saw this as an act of self-harm, which meant:if dad-doesn’t-love-himself-how-can-he-Love-us-and-how-dare-he-that’s-so-messed-up-just-stop-snacking...

blah blah blah. Shadow was yelling in my insides! Not to mention all the other ways I can feel triggered here...before The Pathway.

Act IV:

He’s still mindlessly snacking, and I’m no longer triggered. Instead, I’m more curious/ observant of his behavior, actually. In fact, we are laughing + giggling more as a family, no more senseless arguments, and we really are enjoying my time here. I’m working on projects, so are they. We are sharing silly memes + meals + memories. I’m still practicing my self-care + boundaries, btw, even if it means I sit in my car to meditate in the morning.

What is this?! It’s growth, people 😀

*lights dim*

We didn’t know this “outbreak” would happen. I didn’t think I’d be looking at possibly a month cooped up with my parents during a big state move. And here we are, folks.

Listen, DO THE WORK.

It’s not just so you feel better, it’s how you show up, how you move through the world in a powerful way.

Noted: there’s no guarantee how others will respond to your newfound frequency, but hey! ....

- Heal so you’re prepared.

- Heal so you can take it with grace, whatever IT is.

- Heal so you can enjoy the ride more.

Aaand SCENE.


Inner Child / Shadow


An Email Out of The Blue


A Small Manifestation Story