An Email Out of The Blue

I literally manifested the first thing on my list two weeks from starting the first "How To Manifest"  workshop! It was all very magical - I wrote down "speaking gig - 50-150 people" real casually and kinda forgot about it. For some reason, it didn't feel like a big deal. 

A week later, I got this email out of the blue from a connection who booked a local creative meetup - as I was on my way to meet him, I remembered my list! I thought..."oh, is this going to happen?" And it did! I just finished speaking, and it went so well - leading up to the gig, I kept playing the magnetic self DRE and envisioning me channeling her. It totally worked! I had A LOT of tests, including one big one leading up to this!! If only everything were this easy to manifest! What's next on my list?


DREs / How to Manifest


I Was in a Magnetic State


Heal So You’re Prepared & Can Enjoy The Ride