I Was in a Magnetic State

In July, I got the ping to quit my dead-end job that I was still working + settling in after college because it was easy, safe, and I didn't have to put myself out there. I saved up an F U Fund and jumped off the faux cliff in October. I created lists for the bridge job I wanted, along with my biz, community, and everything else in between I wanted to grow.

Right away, I was in a magnetic state. I had clients coming into my side hustle and bridge job interviews... until it went radio silent for about 2-3 months. 

*cue the terrifying internal scream of what did I do*

At the time, when I first jumped off that cliff, I thought I was so unblocked and expanded because I was making $17/hr in a fast food/restaurant job (which seems unheard of).

The truth was, I was unblocked for where I was not for where I wanted to be.

So for those 2-3 months, I did a BUNCH on unblocking, which included fears of rejection, unlovability, not good enough, stupid, etc... I also worked with EFT tapping(helped me uncover A LOT of blocks), Kundalini, and Ancestor Meditations to help clear out things on an energetic level.

I began to have some things come through like interviews and clients, but nothing was sticking. I was still deep into my lack mindset, and 'I can't have it, it won't happen to me' BS.

Then a few days ago I got so fed up of being in a lack mindset(I have been known to be a notorious hoarder of money and didn't think more would come) I decided to invest in myself, which in turn showed to me/my subconscious that I am valuable + worth it. I honestly felt different after hitting the buy button. Within those three days, I have had more clients come through than I have in MONTHS and now I just got the bridge job that was quite literally EVERYTHING on my list (also I am supposedly a specific manifestor, but I just put what values I wanted/how I wanted to feel from it)


I Manifested Everything My Soul Was Craving During Quarantine


An Email Out of The Blue