I Manifested Everything My Soul Was Craving During Quarantine

I just wanted to share my manifestations over the past few weeks, and serve as an expander for anyone!

Coming into this year, I was adamant I would leave my industry because I couldn't see a way I could work in a stress/crisis dominated industry that had no room for better work practices and wellbeing of staff. I wanted to teach meditation full time and complete the rest of my degree with as much flow, ease and fulfilment as possible. 

I really loved my life (and still do), but for my heart to be happy, a lot of reforms needed to take place.I did the work, worked out what I was really craving, and then asked and unblocked every day. I was triggered, every day!

Over the past few weeks, I have been asking for financial security, an increase in money flowing through a space to teach meditation, and a way to balance my full-time work with teaching and studying. I wanted more rest, more slowness, and more opportunity to work in alignment with my needs and way of working as well as more time at home to rest and create a home. I also listed time to be fully present with my partner etc. The list goes on, and before March I hit every dead end possible. I moved job roles three times and could not procure a permanent position without a thousand dead ends.

I could not find a space to teach AT ALL. I had an increase of very strange and costly expenses come my way (computer breaking, getting taxed well above what I should be, old medical bills being sent to me etc), work was incredibly stressful and the opposite of what I asked for. Virtually every part of my life I wanted to adjust was testing me, and then with lockdowns and the virus coming in, I had no idea how I could make any of this happen. Even though I trusted the universe entirely, I thought at times that I might have needed to buckle down into survival mode over the coming months. 

  • Today I became certified to teach my specific meditation technique online - which has never been an approved mode of teaching before. I am one of a small number of people approved to teach this technique online, which means I now have a second income and the space (finally) to teach something I'm so passionate about safely and effectively to others.

  • I just interviewed for the role that I am currently in and have been successful for ongoing work- which is also an essential service. (cue financial stability).

  • I am working from home but as I still need to do face to face contact, I can manage my day in a way that benefits my work and feels in alignment. I start my day slowly and I finish my day feeling bright, energized, and happy because I am feeling the absolute high level of freedom, choice, and service I have been craving.

  • I just received a $4 water bill (completely unheard of).

  • I have so much time and space to work on my garden, read, connect with my partner, and time to do anything my heart has been craving (which amazingly have all been things I can do in the home).

  • My university has gotten rid of deadlines, so I can easily manage my work from home again in a time frame and flow that best suits the way I work.

I'm excited to see how things unfold in the coming weeks and to see where we all end up at the end of the year!

Keep doing the work, even though the above things aren't the BIG things I had planned for this year; I have manifested everything my soul was deeply craving all in the space of my own home- which to me is crazy and wild and so wonderful!




I Started Four Weeks Ago and Met My Life Partner


I Was in a Magnetic State