I Started Four Weeks Ago and Met My Life Partner

I started the Pathway 4 weeks ago. I've gone through almost all of Lacy's programs once. I have been focusing on the Unblocked Money and Unblocked Love areas. It's almost unbelievable, but I feel like I met my life partner. 

I've been on online dating apps for seven months. I have been out on many first dates. I already had my list but kept meeting guys that had 1 quality I was looking for but not all of them. There were Lots of nice men but zero attraction, etc. Once I started Lacy's programs, I stopped going out on dates and got very clear about what I was looking for. I stopped looking through my dating apps. It seemed difficult to meet anyone I'm interested in who shares a similar lifestyle, in my smaller family town outside of LA. 

I'm a mom of 2 school-age kids, so they are my top priority. Then 2 weeks ago out of nowhere, I met this guy who only moved here recently and bought a house a few miles from where I live. Our lifestyles are so similar. He has 2 young kids also and is a successful VP of a nearby company. We have a similar love of the specific type of traveling I like, the kind of dining I enjoy, sporting events, and cooking at home. The way we parent is even similar. He is incredibly kind, caring and often does small sweet gestures to show he cares. The moment I met him, we had an immediate connection, like we've been together a long time. 

Everything with him is incredibly easy. It's surreal. After having such a tumultuous but expanding relationship with my ex-husband, who was definitely my karmic soul-mate, this new relationship feels so different. So easy breezy. We just both know we want to be together. No longing, no wondering, no question marks, the opposite of what I've experienced in past relationships. I think it's now time for me to revisit the Unblocked money course and call in the abundance I've been asking for!!!


Money / Love


I Got Money Back!!


I Manifested Everything My Soul Was Craving During Quarantine