I Got Money Back!!

Expander that Magic can happen while isolated:

I am a student currently getting money from the state because I'm unemployed (took 1.5y to overcome this shadow and quitting my job due to a Burn-Out at the age of 23) and on Monday I fulfilled my dream of Buying a fair sweater from a local company, which I wanted for months. As it is 100€ and not much understood from my family, e.g. (how can you buy a sweater for 100€ when not making money), but I'm very comfortable with my decision.

I just DM'd the small company telling them exactly this, how I can't understand why it would be better to purge on online shopping (like many others do at this time) than buying something you wanted for such a long time and thanked them for their work!

Their reply: They wanted my order number and will give me back some of the money because I support them during this time and because I went to them and not to H&M! Like WHAT? So magical!!!


Manifesting To Build My Trust Muscle


I Started Four Weeks Ago and Met My Life Partner