Manifesting To Build My Trust Muscle

I manifested some money today; it's money that I don't have to work for, coming in a way that I couldn't possibly have predicted. I thought I'd share the story in case it expands others.

In January, I wrote on my list that I wanted to call in a certain amount of money above what I currently earn. I literally wrote that I wanted it to show up 'somehow that I couldn't possibly predict. Either a well paying, short term contract, or just out of the blue in a way that feels like magic. Yesterday the UK government announced its support package for self-employed people during the current crisis. Having researched how it will work and done my calculations, the amount coming to me is just over the amount I am manifesting. The way my current contracts are set up, my income isn't impacted by the coronavirus, so that amount is over and above my earnings - exactly what I asked for. 

I wrote this item on my list mainly to help build my trust muscle. It's definitely working. ❤️


Moving Out of a Rut and Building My Business (Quarantine)


I Got Money Back!!