Moving Out of a Rut and Building My Business (Quarantine)

Hey manifesting friends!

I just wanted to share some of my manifesting wins with the tribe because I think it could help others.I have been doing Lacy’s work for less than a year now, and the reason I joined was because I felt quite stuck in my relationship with my husband/house move and growth of my business ...basically in a rut!

I have been doing Lacy’s work for less than a year now, and the reason I joined was because I felt quite stuck in my relationship with my husband/house move and growth of my business ...basically in a rut!

I manifested so much along the way such as healing past relationships, a podcast interview, a new business partner, etc...however by far it was the huge surge in my business that led to us not being able to handle all of the new clients coming in the door. We had to hire more staff! Things were flowing really well in all areas... then coronavirus hit the business hard.

Over the past few weeks I have been strategizing with my business partner about what to do, and just as we were about to stand down staff, the government released a benefit scheme which grants us 100k over the year and $15/mth to help keep our employees! Literally, an hour after we had the conversation. This will mean that we can have more people working on marketing and other key projects than before. It is essentially helping us grow even more than before!

Not only that, but another e-commerce startup I have been working on is also eligible to receive a 20k cash injection from the government. This will give us the funds we need to get the business off the ground!

In addition to this, a new grant has landed in my lap that if we win, the government will match dollar for dollar up to 480k that we can raise in capital 🙌❤️ Feeling very magnetic and in alignment right now. I was stuck in a rut for so long (over 12 months), so for others out there, it’s possible, and now is the time to get moving!

With so much love and gratitude for this work, Andy ❤️🙏


I Manifested $2600


Manifesting To Build My Trust Muscle