I Saw Myself Holding a Ring


So.... The item on my first manifestation list, from the 'How To Manifest' workshop, came through! It's such amazing timing in all of this craziness. So when I did the meditation in the workshop, I saw myself holding 'a ring.' Just 'a ring' not 'the ring.'

I almost didn't want to write it on my list, because I was afraid it might be manifesting an engagement ring, and sure as hell were we not ready for that! My boyfriend and I were in a shitty place at that moment. But I decided not to believe in the superstition and wrote it down.

And last week my guy mentioned he was looking for his tool so he could make us rings, just for fun. Yesterday I found his tool for him, and today he spent all his time making a ring for me and now he's trying to make bracelets, also just for fun. (He is so bored....)

I made my list on November 29, 2019. I did have some other manifestations coming through, but the biggest one:

Having a stable and loving relationship with my guy, being able to work together, and be a team. And the past two months have been just that. This group and Lacy's work helped me with that. Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3


How to Manifest


Most of My Eggs Were in One Basket


My Moment Has Finally Arrived