Most of My Eggs Were in One Basket

Serving as an expander for these trying times:

I work as a freelance writer, and most of my eggs are in one basket writing for a single employer who gives me enough well-paid work regularly to work only 2x per week (and live/ travel on that income).

With all this corona stuff, part of me wondered if the work would continue to flow in...

But I got a text this morning that one of my bosses is now writing for a new company and they asked her if she knows any writers to bring on board-- so not only did I not lose my current client, I literally got served a new one without even looking.

Honestly, doing Lacy's work in these weird times has been a game-changer for me. I'm only just starting on Inner Child work, but I have had PROFOUND realizations about my childhood and connecting dots/ reawakening a part of me I didn't know existed.

Hard times are when the mirror gets polished. We get to see our shadow so clearly: all our fears, our lack, our low self-worth.. they bubble up to the surface. The harder the test, the larger the leap of transformation. Stay true to your work, level up your worth, and remember to keep those boundaries strong. It's in the hard times that the level'ing up happens. What a gift to have these meditative and re-programming tools to help navigate into clearer waters.

I've been doing the Inner Child meditation just before bed and then doing that same meditation again in the morning. I find doing it back-to-back like that really helps me go deep. Before bed, it's a bit hazy and sometimes I fall asleep. But It allows me to slide right into the work first thing before I even get out of bed. :) x


Inner Child


How I Manifested $17,831 During the Corona Quarantine


I Saw Myself Holding a Ring