How I Manifested $17,831 During the Corona Quarantine

I’m writing this to out my Shadow and jump off a cliff. BUT if this helps to expand even ONE of you reading this, well, that’d be the icing on my gluten-free cake!

I have a deep fear of sharing my writing, of being seen in my emotional process AND my accomplishments. I feel guilty that I manifested this much money in a short amount of time while so many have been suffering. I’m afraid that in sharing my story, I will be seen as “rubbing it in,” “being a show-off,” or a “know-it-all.” 

Things To Know:

I didn’t have a specific amount of money that I wanted to manifest on my list. In December 2019, I manifested $110,000 to help my husband, and I have a solid down payment to buy a house in LA (which was specifically on my list). The only problem was, I didn’t fully understand how I did it! I wanted to be able to replicate the process for myself. So in January of this year, I wrote and spoke out loud to the Universe that I wanted to manifest a clear understanding of money energetics and to “work through my money shit.”

I started with Unblocked Love and Unblocked Money (for the first time) and had little manifestations come through. Then, I was in a Magic Dark from February to March. I lost my trust and got Rock Bottomed HARD. I stayed in trust, followed Pings religiously, and after passing some tests, I received $17,831 over a span of TWO WEEKS.

Oh, also, I’m 31 of mixed Asian and European descent. Live in LA. Specific Manifesting Generator with an emotional constitution. Cancer sun sign. Actor/Producer/Freelancer.

Rock Bottomed a WEEK BEFORE (3/9) the Official Quarantine in LA:

I got flu-like symptoms along with my partner, threw out my right shoulder, and ALL of my wells of income dried up. Since I have been doing Lacy’s work consistently for a year now, I knew I was being Rock Bottomed. I went back through the Uplevel Workshops and peppered in some Shadow DRE’s as needed.

Tests During the 1ST WEEK (3/16) of Quarantine in LA:

These tests were emotionally intense and came in one after the other. First, I found out that my parents were stuck on a cruise ship off the coast of Argentina. Communication was very limited, and borders were closing with no way for them to get home. Their flights got canceled 3+ times, and they even went missing for 24 hrs! PLUS, my sister-in-law went into emergency labor (at only six mos. pregnant) and had to be hospitalized in a busy Miami hospital. Two days later, my niece was born at 1.3 lbs and needed 24hr care in the NICU, immediately. My husband also informed me that he feared he had COVID-19 based on his symptoms and who he’s been in contact with (and may have passed it on to me).

What I Did to Reprogram and Stay in Trust:

The DRE’s were CRUCIAL for me. In them, I saw some deep, dark wounds that I hadn’t seen before -- especially around my relationship with money, my partner, the economy, my parents, and how I interact with society. They all involved themes of codependency and my attachment to stories of VICTIMHOOD and MARTYRDOM. I was surprised that these stories were rooted back to my birth and what I experienced in just the first few hours of my life! (I had a traumatic birth. My mom started to lose too much blood before I was entirely out of the birthing canal. The docs used a suction cup on the crown of my head to yank me out-- deforming it. My mom flatlined, but they were miraculously able to bring her back.

 I carried guilt for being born because I felt responsible for almost killing her. It actually hurt to see this part of my Shadow. Like no joke, my chest/heart chakra was literally throbbing. It felt so overwhelming. At times I felt like I was drowning in emotion and couldn’t reprogram fast enough.

Self-care was ESSENTIAL. I gave myself permission to play with a version of the DRE’s that worked for me. I used the DRE format as a jumping-off point and added in EFT tapping and my visualization scripts. I slept a lot, ate only what my body craved, and took as many magnesium salt baths as I wanted. I turned down an interview for a potential job because it felt out of alignment. I also think because I was unwell, I felt more willing to surrender-- allowing me to pass tests and stay in Trust faster.

What I Did to Increase Magnetism:

I saw the downtime as an opportunity to clear toxic friendships, energies, and anything that didn’t support a feeling of well-being. I fasted from Social Media, low-vibe music, certain TV shows, and mainstream news. I stopped smoking weed daily (which I used to numb). I communicated to my partner what I needed to feel nurtured and supported. I searched and found Financial Expanders (through fragmented ones first) on social media, then followed Pings to find five real-life ones (who are not famous/well-known) and who were actively and JOYFULLY manifesting money during this time.

Even though there was an energy of fear and lack in my periphery, I chose to shift my perspective to find the gifts in all of this. I would even say what I noticed out loud. Ex: I’ve never seen such clear skies in LA before, so I’d say out loud, “Mamma Earth is healing right now and so quickly!” It sounds a bit corny, but I swear it helped me stay in gratitude.

I also chose to support other women in my community. I asked myself, “What reality do I want to buy into RIGHT NOW?” Then I bought into it. Ex: I wanted to live in a reality where women lift up other women, especially in times of need. So, I started buying from my female friends’ businesses and my local community online. I followed a Ping and jumped off a cliff, donating $1,440 to support another woman’s dream who I barely knew (even though I had no portals of income open at the moment). But her dream and vulnerability really spoke to me. I was willing to get burned in the process because I genuinely believed it would all work out.

TO BE CLEAR, I don’t recommend just going and giving money away without getting honest with yourself first. I was being responsible and discussed it with my partner. I didn’t give or spend more than 5% of my total finances, and I pulled that $1,440 from savings. I felt called to gift her from a genuine place of generosity and trust...not through fear, desperation, or in hopes of finally getting the Universe’s attention (which I’ve definitely done before).

For the first time ever, I made feelings and identifying my emotions a high priority. Trust, Generosity, Flow, Presence, Openness, and Gratitude were continual places I strived to operate from. If I weren’t in one of those places, I would do a DRE to find out why and then reprogram in a way that felt good for me. I, by no means, was “perfect” with this. I cried, took breaks, and journaled a lot, but overall, I kept going back to work.

A week after staying in Trust through all the tests, EVERYTHING WORKED OUT FINE. My parents got home safely and were healthy. My husband and I both recovered. My sis-in-law is healthy. My niece is still in the NICU and will be there till June but, every day, she is surpassing growth milestones and is very healthy (just tiny). Plus, my shoulder healed nicely after a chiropractic adjustment.

How the Money Came Through:

Six months ago, I shot a commercial (a manifestation on my list). They recently decided to air it on national cable, and I ended up receiving eight residual checks in the mail that came out of NOWHERE! And remember that woman I gifted $1,440 to? Well, we became friends. She actually introduced me to all my real-life expanders, AND a couple of those expanders ended up wanting to work with me! They brought me on to help them with administrative work for their online coaching businesses (that empower women), and that’s where the rest of the money came from! A total of $17,831 just two weeks after I was Rock Bottomed.

Whew! Still here? Thanks for reading and for helping me heal my Shadow. I hope this is expanding! 💓#quarantinemanifestation #theprocess


Shadow / Money / Love / DREs


A Small Gesture From the Universe


Most of My Eggs Were in One Basket