A Small Gesture From the Universe

Hey All! I wanted to share a small manifestation. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling terrified about finances because of the current situation. Thus far, I am still employed full time and have a freelance job I do on the side.

Following Lacy's advice, I decided to donate money to my local food pantry (which actually happens to be the non-profit I used to work at!) and another non-profit to show the Universe I am abundant and not afraid. I ended up donating $20.

I just got an email from my freelance job that they are sending me a $50 bonus to thank me for continuing to help them through this trying time. It's not a huge amount, but I know their business is probably hurting, so I really appreciate the gesture and the sign from the Universe.


Manifesting Rapid Fire


How I Manifested $17,831 During the Corona Quarantine