A Feeling of Calm Support I’ve Never Felt Before

Hi everyone! I felt like sharing what I've learned over the past couple of months - I've been working on calling in some big career stuff and going through Inner Child and Uplevel. I kept running into this block / limiting belief around not being seen, feeling abandoned, and not respected. I couldn't figure out what it was for a long time. Things that were really triggering me were things like sending out emails and no one responding, friends not showing up to my art exhibits or events. 

I have a major trigger around groups of women and have never felt welcomed or supported in that kind of atmosphere. While doing Unblocked Inner Child, I realized that it's not just my parents that I didn't feel respected by - it was that I actually never had a supportive environment. Many people have a support system of family, friends, neighbors, school friends. We moved around so much and had no extended family that I never had that. I saw one move in particular that affected me so severely, and I had never realized it. So in Inner Child DI's, I began not just seeing my magnetic family, but seeing and feeling my support system. 

I imagined grandparents, friends, relatives, neighbors all coming over and having a good time. All my girlfriends from school cheered me on at my events growing up. I began having this feeling of calm supportiveness that I've NEVER felt before. Since then, I've had the most amazing couple of weeks - I've been meeting non-stop with the most incredible, supportive women, I've got art shows scheduled through May. I've got meeting after meeting with people interested in my work and people are emailing me back! I just wanted to share because I was so focused on my parents, but when I realized it's about the whole supportive tribe - Woah!!! I hope this helps someone


Inner Child / Uplevel


I Didn’t Feel Like I Was Chasing or Settling


A Free Trip To Brisbane