I Didn’t Feel Like I Was Chasing or Settling

Are you currently a Pathway Member?


What was on your manifestation list?


What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

How to Manifest

Unblocked Inner Child

Unblocked Shadow

Unblocked Love / Partnership

Unblocked Money

I realized that I had a ton of shadow work to do, particularly around being deserving of someone actually loving me. I had blocks around fearing to 'lose myself' and having my power taken away whilst in a relationship as this is what was modeled to me growing up. Also, when I was younger, I had a very disturbing sexual encounter with my first boyfriend that really terribly rattled me. I hadn't realized how much of a hold this still had over me. It wasn't until I did Unblocked Shadow (along with working with Reiki and my Kinesiologist) that I really let this go.

What expanders did you find?

My twin sister (she was married at the end of last year) and most of my close friends are all in thorough, loving relationships. I also used social media and Netflix to find fragment expanders that I needed to fill gaps.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

Three dating tests came through when I started doing the work about September last year. All three were 80% of my list. The first one I did not pass, I was so hung up on him for quite a while as I believed 'he was the 'one''. 

I have to say though that before these dating experiences, my ex-boyfriend, whom I hadn't seen in 6 years, appeared in my life. At first, I thought he came through as a 'second chance,' but later, I realized he was a) a test and b) brought to me for closure so that I could really move on and be aligned with my partner.

Tests are tricky. Especially when you've been single for so long, and you deeply long for partnership. But I found that the more I surrendered and honored myself and my needs, the easier the tests were to pass.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

Yes, definitely. This happened at the beginning of the year after I had completed all workshops and after my 3rd dating 'test.' I went to a close friend's wedding at the beginning of Feb alone, and I remember just surrendering to the idea that my person will come through. A segment of my diary one month before I met my person - 'I can feel his energy. He's orbiting. I can't say when, how, or where but I know I will meet him soon' (literally, I can't believe I had written this).

Before my magic dark, I need to add - Late last year, I witnessed my twin sister get married, and this was incredibly difficult for me to handle. It led me to a severe rock bottom, which eventually led to me doing even more work to get into that magic dark highlighted above.

How did your manifestation come through?

The weekend of the 14th - 16th of February this year (Valentine weekend!), I met my current love through a dating app. Initially, I was incredibly skeptical at the idea of meeting someone decent, wholesome, and respectful online. But, something within me shifted as I felt that my negativity towards the apps was really just my shadow rearing and causing me to close off potential portals.

So, I was using the app Bumble, and it was through this app that I met my partner. Funnily enough, we had matched online exactly one year prior but never got to actually meeting. I suppose we weren't ready for each other as I needed to do SO much inner work to feel worthy of his presence. The two weeks before meeting him, I saw the sign 11:11 daily and just the number 11 at an alarming rate. I was also just noticing that my life felt more 'inflow.' I had people appear in my life exactly when I needed them to; I had small micro manifestations take place. I genuinely just felt more in my power.

It took me two dates to figure out whether or not he was a test. I know that Lacy has a six week period of really sussing out if your person is, in fact, your manifestation. But in all honesty, after our second date, I just knew. He is everything on my list and more. I never doubted whether he was 'into me.' I didn't feel like I was chasing or settling. It just flows. It's effortless, and I feel so deeply in love. We've been together for about nine weeks, so it's still so early on, but now I can't imagine my life without him. It's so wonderful as I was single for almost seven years.

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