Finding My New Apartment For an Unheard-of Amount

Manifestation Story!! Sorry for the novel, but I was so excited, guys. I wouldn't even talk about it until we officially moved in because I genuinely thought it was a dream!! So, I just manifested my dream apartment for an 'unheard-of amount of rent' and wanted to share :) Checked off everything on my list... down to the paint color (which I could have probably done myself, but figured I'd put it down and see what happens)!! 

The story: For the past few months, I've been aggressively looking up new apartments. My boyfriend and I grew out of our last place and honestly didn't even really like where we were living! We wanted an apartment close to the ocean, with tall ceilings, tons of natural light, hardwood floors, clean, and a lot more space for affordable rent, which is actually impossible in our area. Our town has become so desirable due to the nightlife development that prices have skyrocketed over the past few years. 

The process: My boyfriend works for the airline industry, so he's gone a lot, which has led me to apartment hunting almost entirely on my own. I was researching like crazy, coordinating showings, looking up places online, etc. Everything we saw was either beautiful but insanely overpriced, decent but overpriced, or terrible and in our price range. A few weeks ago, I got super frustrated and decided to get serious about calling in this apartment because time was of the essence! 

I sat down and thought to myself like, what's going on? Why can't I call this place in? I finally realized that I genuinely *thought* I didn't deserve to have this apartment, which stemmed from being the middle child and always trying to be accommodating / easy! As a kid, I'd always accept hand-me-downs, take the second-best of everything, and/or always say that I'm "fine" with whatever to make my sister or brother happy. Eventually, it became a thing; my mom or dad would always say, "Lydia doesn't care, give her anything, she's so easy," and I *really* didn't mind getting the shorter end of the stick because I wanted to make others happy. 

NEVER thought that I'd subconsciously create this massive block for not feeling worthy of having the things that I wanted in my life!! Anyway, once I realized this, I said out loud, "I deserve this apartment, and we're getting it" And like a freakin magnet...a few days later, I found this place on Craigslist that checked all my boxes. On the beach & an inlet with tons of natural light, tall ceilings, hardwood floors, three extra closets, way more floor space, white moldings with light blue/grey walls, granite countertops in the kitchen...the whole damn thing for LESS than our last place!!! Anyway, hoping I can be an expander for someone in a similar situation. So excited to read everyone else's stories. These keep me going!!


Traveling the World After Manifesting the Perfect Home


A Job That Feels Like Home