A Job That Feels Like Home

I MANIFESTED A JOB! Hello, fellow manifesters! My first major manifestation came through today, and I wanted to share it! I completely settled when accepting my current job and have been miserable for the past few months. The only true gift in this experience is that it forced me to get really honest with myself about the type of work that I like to do, the type of work that I don’t like to do, and, most importantly, the type of work that I find gratifying and purposeful. 

Back in May, one of my friends knew of a job opening in a field that is tangential to what’s typically associated with my graduate degree, but I was still operating heavily from ego, so I was not open to it at all. In this self-discovery process with my current job, I had the realization that the job she had mentioned was much more aligned with my natural gifts and the type of work/life balance that I’m seeking. Two weeks ago, I got a ping to check if they were still looking for someone, and I found the same exact job posted again in mid-September. 

She connected me with her contact there, and they responded within the hour, asking for my resume and cover letter. The day before my first interview round, I checked my ego at the door and cast my list. The first interview went smoothly, and I was asked to return for a second round with more members of the team. I have been on many interviews over the past few years, and I can say with absolute certainty that this was the smoothest one I’ve ever been on in my life. 

I felt so at home with every person that I met, and each conversation was fun, enriching, and informative. Even the aesthetics of the building matched my list! I left feeling confident and not second-guessing a thing (a first for me), and went along my merry way. A little more background to better explain the major test that came through on Sunday: Back in April, right around the New Moon in Aries, I was pushing HARD for a traditional job within my field. I was embodying true Aries energy by hustling to meet people for coffee, requesting letters of recommendation from prior employers, and basically doing everything in my human capacity to get an interview. I got the interview and then spent over a week preparing diligently. 

In retrospect, I felt like an actor rehearsing for a role I didn’t even want. The sole motivation behind trying to get this job was ego: I was seeking prestige and following what society had taught me was important - to impress others and “prove” to them that I was successful. I didn’t end up getting the job, and I wasn’t even upset because deep down, I knew it was not aligned with the type of life I want to lead. Cut to the Full Moon in Aries on Sunday, and that same friend texted me about another job she knew about (she should honestly be my personal recruiter at this point 😉). 

The catch: this was the same *exact* job position that I had hustled so hard for in April, just at a different place. It was a big carrot dangling in front of me, and I really considered it because ego-based decisions have been second nature to me for so long. I read an IG post that the Full Moon in Aries was all about learning the lessons and finishing what was started around the New Moon in Aries in April. I cried a lot as I considered whether I was going to apply, and I think my emotional reaction to even the possibility of this type of job was so strong because a layer of my ego was dying in the process. 

It was a huge reckoning for me. Ultimately, I reflected on my list and the life I’m trying to create, and on Monday afternoon, I thanked my friend but told her that the opportunity didn’t feel aligned for me right now. Today (Tuesday), I got the call with the offer from the job that felt like home. It was seamless, it meets all aspects of my list, and the salary is more than I was asking for! Just today, Lacy posted this quote on IG: “remember who you were before they told you who to be.” 

I have chills now, just typing it out because it completely embodies the lessons I’ve been integrating through this experience. I know this post is already far too long, but I want to add one more thing: when I got the call with the offer, I didn’t feel relieved, I felt grounded. In the past, whenever I’ve gotten job or internship offers, I’ve felt intense relief, which I now see as my ego being satisfied with how my status would appear to others, rather than my soul feeling aligned with the position. People always say, “don’t make choices out of fear,” but one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned here is that making choices out of ego can be just as dangerous. 

I’ve been doing Lacy’s workshops since before the Pathway, and whenever I’ve used the How to Manifest Workshop or the DREs to call in anything work-related, it was largely crickets. Now I realize that the main reason was that my list didn’t reflect my core wants, but my ego and what society and my education have drilled into me of what it means to be successful. I know that Lacy talks about this all the time, but I finally internalized it on a deep level, and as a Capricorn Rising, let’s just say it was very hard to break free from. ☺️ I could not be more grateful for this work and this community. I hope this story is expansive for someone! xx


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