Finding A Higher Salary During The Pandemic

Pandemic Job Manifestation 🌟 I just manifested a new job during this unemployment crisis, and I hope I can serve as an expander for someone else! I currently work in hospitality, and I get paid a bit better (I’m talking a dollar or $0.50) more than the industry standard. I actually really like my workplace and the people, but I was feeling like a change and knew I could find a higher paying job. I put a new job on my list. I wasn’t fussed, my main point is that I wanted to be paid more than $27/hour (my usual Sunday penalty rate). 

When the pandemic hit, hospitality was the first to go, and I was lucky to still have one shift a week at a motel owned by the same company. I applied for quite a few jobs, although there was barely anything to go for and, in some cases, 35,000 people applied for only 5000 spots. I don’t have a whole heap of experience, just standard customer service, so I wasn’t expecting anything to come through just yet. 

Today I received my contract and job offer today working for a government agency: 

•$36.49/hour is my base rate, and it’s a six-month contract with the possibility of extending, and I can keep my hospitality job which I still enjoy for a couple of shifts here or there or return to if I need when the contract ends although I have a feeling that this might be a new opportunity. 

Some other great manifestations I’ve received during this crisis: 

• My car was smashed into, and the repairs were over $2000. My excess was over $1000 and if I wanted to avoid that I would have to take the guy who crashed into my car to court but my mum told me today that she managed to remove the excess due to the coronavirus situation, so I’m getting my car fixed for free, booked it in for next week! 

I didn’t think I could do any manifesting right now, but this is such a powerful time to not only manifest but put in the groundwork to allow manifestations to come through. I wish you all the best and hope you, your family and your friends are safe and well X


A Job That Feels Like Home


Finding The One While Isolated