Finding The One While Isolated

I just have to put this out there - I'm so grateful for your work and that I stumbled across your Instagram page when I did. It's been a wild year of self-exploration, growth, and work. I started doing your manifestation work in the fall. I've been dating since last summer, just yearning for my person. I knew he was out there, and I was searching for him in every test that came my way. 

But I did my best to recognize and pass tests. In the winter, I realized that it wasn't time for love; it was time to be alone. So I dived in. I deleted the dating apps. I completed Unblocked Inner Child; I embraced my authentic self. I got back to the basics. Then I completed Unblocked Love. On March 22nd, I hit my one year milestone of sobriety (they tell you not to date in the first year). 

I had this intense feeling of being ready and absolutely knowing that I was on my path. I trust the universe more than ever before. So I downloaded the dating apps again. I put myself out there differently. I was clear about what I want. And within a couple of days, I met my god damn person. The connection was so intense, it was a full-body experience, for both of us. We quickly went from texts to a phone call, to facetime and it just got better and better. We are on the same page - spiritually, emotionally, mentally. 

We've both been on a pretty wild journey of self-exploration, and I truly believe we came into each other's lives exactly when we were supposed to. I met my person while in isolation, like, it's possible. I've never experienced a connection quite like this before. I've never felt so sure. I truly believe I manifested my person. He's everything on my list and more. And I'm so excited to see what happens. I just had to share this because the work works!! I'm so grateful for all that you do!


Inner Child / Love


Finding A Higher Salary During The Pandemic


Doubling Down On The Work During Quarantine