Facing Hopelessness to Manifest the Perfect Job

For anyone who is struggling in these trying times! Keep doing the work, and your manifestation will come through!! I was working remotely for a small startup, and then COVID-19 hit pretty hard. Because we downsized, my boss gave me a role I hated as an attempt to reshuffle responsibilities around within our smaller team. Due to stress, my boss was spiraling into a pattern of negativity and was creating a pretty awful work environment.

Then I got sick with COVID!!!

Luckily I didn't need to be hospitalized, and I recovered. While I was sick, anytime I thought about having to go back to work, I felt absolutely horrible, and was soooo anxious all the time— these feelings probably did not help in my physical recovery. I really wanted to quit, but I kept telling myself that I should be grateful for still having a job even though it was a role I now hated. How could I quit a job in the middle of a pandemic and expect a new remote job when SO many people were jobless and applying to the same remote jobs? It just didn't make sense, and all felt so hopeless.

So I started the Uplevel workshop and did the reinforcing DIs every day. I was working through my feelings of confusion and self-worth. During one of the DIs, I just got this clear message that in order to manifest a new and better job, I had to quit my job RIGHT THIS SECOND. So I literally stopped the DI and got on the phone to resign. I felt so light and free— the best I'd felt in weeks!

I had a couple weeks where I was resting and felt so good having all the time to do TBM, meditate, yoga, cook delicious meals at home, and read all the books I'd wanted to read for a while. But then I realized I still had a flight back home booked for the end of May, and all the anxiety came back. I started stressing about what I was going to do with myself because so many things hinged upon me having a remote job since I live in a foreign country:

  • My 2.5-year relationship

  • My friends, my community

  • My art and my creative projects

  • My home!!!

If I left at the end of May without a new job, there was a huge chance I might not come back for a long time, or maybe not at all especially if I couldn't find myself a remote job... and that meant doing long-distance for an indefinite period with my partner. The thought of leaving my adopted home and not knowing whether it would be temporary or permanent just killed me. But I kept doing the DIs and went back through Shadow/Inner Child DIs to reinforce the Uplevel workshop. I just let go of my need to have a plan, to have a job, and trusted the right opportunity would come along. Fast forward to 2 days ago…my old boss connected me with someone who needed help and so I got on a call with this person to discuss the role.

WOW. Let me tell you it was an incredible call. He asked me what my rate was, and I gave him a pretty high number, but HE DIDN'T EVEN BAT AN EYE AT IT!! He just agreed and said I was highly recommended by my old boss, so he trusted the rate would be worth the value. I went from broke and jobless to making more money than at my last job PLUS this role is a lot more independent with no fixed hours, AND it's a lot more interesting as I'll be expanding into a field I'm trying to learn more about.

I cannot believe it, but I'm happy to say my manifestation came through. Keep doing the work even though you think it's just crickets and dark nights out there! 💖💖


Uplevel / Inner Child / Shadow


Unblocking Shame to Find Clarity


The Perfect Tunic