Unblocking Shame to Find Clarity

My heart is so full right now; I wanted to share with all of you a bit of hope who might need it. I've struggled what feels like my entire life with feelings of unworthiness and a laundry list of other self-limiting beliefs. I've received years and years of therapy (including one 6-month intense daily therapy program when I was hospitalized for anorexia at 17). I always relied on others to tell me what to do and never really learned to trust myself that I was capable of making decisions on my own.

I stumbled across @tobemagnetic on IG only a few short months ago and registered for The Pathway 2.0 within a couple weeks (which is highly unusual for me, normally I'd research, follow, consider every angle before finally buying into something). I'm definitely not new to confronting my thoughts/emotions/ego, but this work felt very different. As if I was making real shifts instead of talking about wanting to make them. And then there's the skepticism that it would actually make a difference in my life. I mean, I won't deny that doing this work would make a difference in others' lives, but my life, especially after all the therapy + self-help books I had gone to + read? I wasn't so sure.

It's funny how it just "happens." Like really, it just happens. I can't describe it, but it's incredible. I've been noticing things, especially in the past week (I started working on Unblocked Inner Child after avoiding it and doing the other modules instead). I'm not the ostrich with its head in the sand anymore, I see things coming through that I didn't think I was "entitled" to or worthy of. I feel more clarity + power in my purpose within my career than I ever have. My relationship with my parents has improved substantially.

Money doesn't hold shame over my head nearly as much as it used to. I'm single by choice, and I feel complete clarity + peace with that. I am far more patient with others. I spent the last year trying to keep people away from me, but now I feel I can let them back in because I feel in control of my life. Still working on things, but wanted to share where I'm at with this work + the transformations I doubted would come but have. Thank you to this work + this community


Pathway / Inner Child


Coming Out of A Rut and Finding a Job & Apartment


Facing Hopelessness to Manifest the Perfect Job