Coming Out of A Rut and Finding a Job & Apartment

Whew. What a whirlwind. COVID has its hardships; that's for sure, but manifestations still can come through. I was in a rut for a long time, hit rock bottom around Sept 2019. I lost my beloved dog of 14 years, had a hidden leak, and so much rot damage at a rental property I own as well as tons of repair costs, lost rent, and very upset tenants. Simultaneously work tripled my workload *and* cut my pay for attending herbalism school once a week. The world was pushing me out of my nest, and by December, I said, "F this. I'm done." 

I started doing the work regularly and jumped off a career cliff in February. I quit my job with a large exiting check that I negotiated + had my FU fund in place, said no to many 'test' jobs...then quarantine hit....and I was still offered my dream job in wellness (one that once felt so elusive and I pined for years). I'll be working 100% remotely and even running the culture committee where I do energetic readings for people on their birthdays. So me. One month later, I also moved into my dream one-bedroom artist loft (think 4x8 ft windows overlooking a park, 10ft ceilings, exposed brick walls, open rain shower room, deep blue floors, sex ‘n the city vibes galore) in Bowery Manhattan. 

It's an apartment that is never available for $800 LESS per month than I had been paying for my studio (and it came with gorgeous plant babies -inclusive of an indoor orange tree- and some *cute* furniture left behind).I had moments of fear, stress, and overwhelm, but continued to trust in the process and do the work. Saying I'm grateful is an understatement. Keep on going. 💕


Saving Money and Locking In My Dream Job


Unblocking Shame to Find Clarity