Saving Money and Locking In My Dream Job

I wanted to share my manifestation during this pandemic in terms of career, money, and pregnancy. I hope this is expansive for anyone wishing to make a career change or navigating career change during the pandemic. I had been struggling at a job I hated and trying to balance that job with raising my 2.5 year old and trying to get pregnant again at 40. I conceived our first daughter naturally, but we had gone ahead with invitro, which was unsuccessful around Christmas this year.

I jumped off of a cliff and quit my job. I am a lawyer and have been practicing law for ten years, so the loss of my income was tricky, but we planned for it and made it happen. My last day of work was in the middle of March. The weekend after I stopped working, all of the daycares where I live were shut down. My husband was able to transition to working from home, and I now had the freedom to care for our daughter full time. We ended up saving more money than we expected because, with the daycares closing, we did not need to pay for my daughter's daycare to keep her spot while I looked for a new job.

I had applied for a job about six months before resigning, and it is my dream law job with all sorts of financial and other perks. When I quit my job, I still had not been offered this dream job. I seemed to be waiting forever to hear about the job and had to pass all sorts of tests as I was offered other jobs that were less than Ideal. I found out about a month into the pandemic I got the dream job. I actually got hired during the pandemic. 

I am getting a very substantial raise, and, most importantly, I am getting five months off during the pandemic to enjoy my beautiful daughter and be the mother I want to be to the child I already have! I do not yet know-how, but I am sure that we will be able to successfully have a second child if I stick with this work and follow all of my pings. I actually feel way closer to getting pregnant again than I did throughout the in vitro process we went through. I am starting to remember how I got pregnant the first time - which really was really by letting go and getting happy and expanded. I truly would never be in this place if it were not for Lacy's work. Thank you!


Manifesting My Second Show of The Year


Coming Out of A Rut and Finding a Job & Apartment