Success With What I Love

What was on your manifestation list?:
A career I love, working for myself, making six figures a year

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?:
The entire pathway program

While trying to manifest my dream career, I uncovered and debunked so many beliefs, but the biggest ones were my belief that feminine women can't make money, and that I was too stupid to make money. These were cured so much more easily than I anticipated by finding my expanders in these areas. During a particularly moving Unblocked Ego DI, I realized that my "manifestations" (prior to the Pathway) hadn't come through because there was no emotion surrounding my mantras and visualizations trying to welcome financial abundance. During this DI, I finally surrendered to the fact that all I wanted was freedom, and lo and beheld, it rushed in all its glory less than a week later.

What expanders did you find?:
As a woman in a conservative area where women are encouraged to stay home and bear children, and with no college degree or academic success to speak of, my desire for financial abundance and owning my own business seemed like a fever dream to me. To top it off, my mind cannot visualize images (a condition called aphantasia), so visualizing a new life for myself via traditional manifestation was a frustrating impossibility that kept me stuck. Expanders were my GAME CHANGER. Last year, I had watched a friend of mine with an incredibly similar background to mine leave her desk job and become a personal assistant to a thriving local business owner. She traveled the world with her and eventually found immediate success with her own company started on a whim. This friend was the epitome of "if she can do it, so can I." I did some of the Pathway, incorporating this friend as an expander, and mostly forgot about it for a few days.

About a week later, I unexpectedly got a message at my desk job from a local business owner asking ME to be her assistant out of nowhere. I knew this opportunity would provide me with the flexibility I needed to eventually start my own business. I accepted, and over the next half year working as a PA, I traveled with my boss and learned so much from her. Just as my expander, within a few months, I literally STUMBLED into my absolute dream job, working for myself as my own boss, making six figures a year. My expanders showed me a new REALITY that could so easily be mine. This reality didn't just feel real; it WAS real, and only through knowing this and allowing this knowledge to reprogram my subconscious beliefs about what was possible could I have ever created what I have.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?:
Buckle up for this one. In the fall of last year, I left an incredible 9-5 desk job, propelled only by the knowledge that a desk job could NEVER be for me. I manifested a flexible, fun, creatively inspiring personal assistant job to hold me over while I figured out how to manifest my dream business. Though I had many interests such as beauty, yoga, palm reading, and writing, I had no idea what this business might be, only that I was being called to it. 

A week after starting my new job, I was offered (out of nowhere) a much higher paying desk job in the field I had just left. This job was much better than the one I had left, but (thanks to the pathway work I was doing), I recognized it as a test and declined. This was the first time in my life I had ever tested my trust muscle, and the leap nearly killed me. However, after passing this test, there was no immediate reward.

Months later, another surprise job offer came my way. This one offered triple the salary I had ever made in my life, and double the average salary for the industry. Everything inside of me screamed that this was just a test, but as a newlywed with a husband still in college, I couldn't bring myself to say no to this "perfect" opportunity, so I quit my job and accepted. During my first day on the job, I KNEW that this was a test I had failed. I felt sick, anxious, but trapped, seeing as how I had no other income. 

I went home and cried, and I told my poor husband (utterly dependent on me to bring in income) that I couldn't do this job, that I was being called to work for myself and do something important. I still had no business plan or any idea whatsoever that might be. Miraculously, he supported me, and I emailed my resignation that night. It was, without question, the most terrifying and sickening moment of my life. I'd never acted from such a place of inner trust.

Here is where the MAGIC happened. I felt a sense of relief immediately. As if being guided by something beyond myself, I had the idea to start an Instagram account about the palm reading practice I'd kept as a hobby for years. Immediately, inquiries from all over the world began pouring in, asking for pricing for a virtual palm reading. With no promotion from me whatsoever, an acquaintance with millions of followers posted about a reading I had causally done for her weeks prior, which brought thousands of inquiries immediately. It was my MIRACLE. 

A miracle I had worked for and swam through the magic dark for and could have never seen coming, but felt so right. I manifested my six-figure, immediately successful, absolutely magical, and fulfilling business within 24 hours, all because I trusted and passed the hardest test of my life.

How did your manifestation come through?:
My manifestation came through as a miracle so incredible I'm still shaking. I wanted to manifest my own business utilizing my talents, making six figures a year. I had no college degree or skill set I deemed marketable, but I felt the call to begin pursuing this. I followed the Pathway to a T— unblocking money, childhood beliefs, ego, and found my expanders, and passed (narrowly) test after test. I did the work, even before I knew what exactly I was working toward. But I was clear on how I wanted this dream career to feel, and as many details as possible, I was expanded, and I was serious about it.

My manifestation came through as an overnight miracle, almost a year after I began the TBM work. The night I passed the hardest test of my LIFE (declining an incredibly high paying job as the sole wage earner in our home), I decided to distract myself by creating an Instagram account dedicated to part of my spiritual practice, palm reading. I barely remember writing the caption and finding the photo to post. It was as if the universe was INSIDE my body, guiding me. I had no expectations, and fewer plans to turn THIS interest into a business. But as soon as the profile was up, interest began pouring in about virtual palm readings. 

Influencers with hundreds of thousands to millions of followers posted about my account, which resulted in thousands of requests about pricing. Because of the TBM work, I skipped right over charging a few bucks per reading and started charging my ideal hourly rate, and watched in utter shock as the orders began pouring in. I was jumping up and down and screaming. In less than 24 hours, I went from having no job and no plan to watching the business of my wildest dreams appearing in front of me.

The TBM work made this entirely possible. Without my expanders, it would have never been real to me that I could own my own business as a young, previously unsuccessful woman. Without recognizing my tests as tests, I would have failed them all miserably. Without the deep imaginings, I would still be lost as to what's holding my back. TRUST in this work and trust in yourself. The results are so much better than you can even dream.

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