Upleveling Multiple Areas In My Life

Leiven Hwang 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?:

What was on your manifestation list?: 

1. Comfortable and beautiful home set in a wonderful natural environment with a bathtub, lots of natural light, and separate private areas for both my wife and me. 

2. Design projects that meet my mission of creating spaces that are healing and transformative for the people that use them and for the land they are built on. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?:
I used the How to Manifest Workshop, which helped uncovered a fear of not being resourced enough either in terms of those who can collaborate with me and support me or in terms of what certifications I have.  I also uncovered the fear that I can't depend on money being available to me, which I absorbed from my mother.

What expanders did you find?:

My Expanders were Harwood Taylor & Olivier Vidal, who were my father's fellow architects, friends, and business associates. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?:
The main tests were overcoming my fears, professional inactivity at the time, and uncertainty about where my home would be if I rushed into things. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.:
I did not experience this last year, but I just completed the Rut and Unblocked Money Workshops, and I can share about the next layers of growth that I uncovered through them and what magic is arising from it. The essence of my rut comes to me from my father, and we would both pursue projects even though our deeper intuitions knew they would not come to fruition. We would allow our excitement of their possibilities to override red flags that we needed to respond to. 

Being caught in this pattern overturned my last design project. I uncovered a part of me that still believes I need to do everything myself and that only I can create the most compelling designs. I found that at a deeper layer beneath that, I crave all the recognition for myself, and I crave that recognition as validation, for there remains a part of me that denies my capabilities and worth. My new Expanders are Olivier Vidal (as in last year's process) and Elora Hardy for design; Shems Heartwell and Shannon Graham as guides for personal growth; and Austin Wang and Corbett Wall for success.

 Tests are showing up as negative thoughts and fantasies for my mind to spin endlessly into, habits of complacency and escapism that I default to, and a feeling that I need to rush into completing all my Action Steps. I am passing most of these tests, although there are occasions when I allow my mind to spin into negative thoughts and fantasies and settle into escapism. The last two weeks during which I have been doing these workshops have been a magical time of creation: I established commitments for evolving out of this rut and finished creating a powerfully compelling video presentation for my last design project.

I co-created an online couple's program with my wife. I created an online program for sharing challenges and celebrating triumphs and delights that I will facilitate and decided to start using social media again, but this time on my own terms and in a way that is far more compelling. I am in the process of redesigning my website so that it fully resonates with what I am now offering and calling in. 

How did your manifestation come through?:
Soon after completing the Workshops last year, my wife and I decided that the land we bought didn't resonate with us anymore, and we would not pay for the expensive permits needed to build the house we designed. We put the land up for sale, received financial support to buy a tiny house on wheels, and found space on a friend's beautiful property to park it. I was also able to sign a contract for a project that met my mission statement by being patient with the client's slow communication process and not panicking to bring in other work that wouldn't resonate with me to fill the space.

In doing so, I allowed space for personal growth and co-facilitating men's workshops that continue to be a tremendous aspect of my evolution and that I will incorporate as offerings on my newly-designed website. For this year, the online couples program that my wife and I created met our baseline registration target to hold it within a week after launch. I have clearly-defined action steps, and I am breaking the cycle of false expectations by committing to being clear-eyed about all future opportunities and responding to what arises from them with grounded clarity.

 I am claiming my full worth and stepping into co-creation with others and with the world, and I am giving myself the space to act and engage in every way I can with curiosity, creativity, and delight while expanding the love and compassion with which I naturally do so. 

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How to Manifest / Rut / Money


This Formula Is Magic


Getting Specific With My List