Jumping Off A Cliff & Landing A New Job

About a month into doing the work, I followed a ping and jumped off a cliff .Yesterday, I accepted a job 1,200 miles away that aligns with so much of my nonspecific list (for present and long term manifestations). I was looking for: warmer climate (North Carolina - one of the 3 locations I listed), working as an RD counseling people on nutrition & wellness, part of a like-minded team with opportunities to grow within the company. Pay increase + job flexibility & autonomy. One of my self-worth blocks I uncovered was the belief I couldn’t move away or own a house on my own (needed a partner), so I’m conquering the first in a few short weeks and eager to start manifesting the second before 2020 is over! 

I wasn’t 100% clear on the job details either, but with the pings that lead me to apply to this role that felt SO aligned, I didn’t question it. I truly felt EVERY step of the way that this was meant to be - not an ounce of doubt; it was the only outcome I could imagine. My worth has up-leveled in this area, and I look forward to continuing the work to uplevel in other ways and call in more of my list. I hope others find this inspiring! ☀️ And anyone in the Wilmington, NC area - reach out, I’d love to make some like-minded connections! 🤗


A New Couch For $50


Finding the Ideal Space & Opportunity After A Major Rockbottom