A New Couch For $50

Hi! I just wanted to give some manifestation expansion 🙂 I posted the other day about a manifestation I called in. On top of that, I just called in another manifestation! I was looking for a couch on the Facebook marketplace. I wanted it to be $50 or under and light in color. Either an L shape or something contemporary/modern feeling. At first, I thought I “found” the right one when I reached out to a lady who would sell me her couch for $50 when it was priced $85. I was going for it but didn’t feel in my worth with it. 

A few days before this couch, I reached out to someone about their couch. They said someone was pending pick up. However, he reached back to me this morning and told me the person didn’t pick it up, and so he said I could have it! I felt so much more in alignment with this couch over the other! This couch was also only $45, so even under what I wanted to pay for it! And I called this couch within one week!! 

I did have tests. I almost gave in and just bought a brand new couch, and I also thought of just paying for a couch that cost $150 or so knowing it was more than I wanted to pay. But I passed those tests! My trust muscle is growing SO much during this time. I hope this helps expand you during this time.


Strengthening My Trust Muscle With Money


Jumping Off A Cliff & Landing A New Job