Strengthening My Trust Muscle With Money

Are you currently a Pathway Member?:

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?:
I've done all of them, most recently focusing on Uplevel (Rut/Rock Bottom) 

How did your manifestation come through?:
*A small, yet significant abundance manifestation during a time of general doom & gloom. This morning, I was feeling a little down about the prospects of manifesting money/abundance during these difficult times - especially since it looks like we may be heading into a pretty deep recession going forward. I got a ping to listen to Lacy's newest podcast about manifestation energetics during this time of crisis, so I went for a walk and did just that. It calmed me down a little bit... But my "trust muscle" wasn't fully on board yet, so I felt the need to ask the Universe to show me a sign that manifesting abundance was still possible during this time. (I've noticed that when I do that, I usually get a sign within the next 24 hours.) 

An hour later, I got a message on Instagram saying I won free access to a $497 course I've been thinking about getting (all about creating courses + passive income). It's safe to say I'm feeling much better regarding the energetics of manifesting abundance during this time! (I'm a non-specific 2/4 Generator btw) 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:


Pathway / Uplevel


Honoring My Authentic Code


A New Couch For $50