Trust Fall With the Universe

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What was on your manifestation list?:
It's now Day 11 of LA's COVID-19 lockdown. As a freelance copywriter working from home, it's not really that far from my normal MO. What has changed, however, is that my clients (small businesses) have had to shut their doors. At least one of them has shut them permanently. Remarkably, though, I have yet to freak out. In fact, my faith in the universe/myself is stronger than ever, which is decidedly NOT my standard operating procedure. I've lived nearly 52 years with a serious lack mentality, fully committed to the idea that we live in a finite system, and the more I have, the less someone else has. 

But through Lacy's and other work, I've discovered that that is a myth, a theory, a philosophy, at best. One look at quantum physics tells me it's anything but fact. That newfound awareness, coupled with finding expanders/guides like Lacy and Jen Sincero (You Are a Badass at Making Money), has shown me that so much more is possible than I always believed. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I came to that understanding BEFORE this global shutdown took hold. Otherwise, this would not be a very magnetic story. 

Speaking of which, reading everyone else's stories in The Motivation has been invaluable... thank you! Another part of my practice has been listening to the Expanded podcast religiously. So on this past Friday's episode, when Lacy urged everyone to do the Prosperity DRE and talked about how Max was doing it and had an opportunity come through, it was like a bolt from the blue, reminding me of this resource that was right in front of me. I did the DRE that night, and the next morning, I got word that one of my clients wanted to go ahead with a job I had bid on just before this all started! It's going to be around $1500, maybe a little more, so it doesn't cover rent, but almost!

During this time, I've also resisted the intense urge to penny-pinch and put off paying for things that I need or postpone helping out others in need. In fact, right before the shutdown, I gave $1500 to a good friend who was really struggling with the promise of another $500 to kickstart her Kickstarter once it's up. She's also been trying to get a business off the ground, with one setback after another. I told her it was not a loan, and it wasn't a gift: it was an investment, but not the kind of investment that I expect a return on, other than the satisfaction of seeing her business take off. Needless to say, when the world shut down just a few days later, my heart sank, realizing how much I could've used that cash. 

But somehow, I knew that it would come back to me. Hell, that's why they call it currency, right? It never flows in just one direction (even though it feels like it sometimes). I don't even remember what the Prosperity DRE brought up for me, but just the act of going through it always leaves me with a sense of calm and empowerment. And lo and behold: that $1500 came rushing back the very next day! 

As I told Lacy on IG, abundance is still out there… it's just laying low right now, like the rest of us. But as long as we know it exists, and it's available to us, and we keep the channels open to receive it, it WILL arrive. Sometimes, sooner than we expect! Stay home, be well, and keep the faith, y'all. xo, Nancy 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?:
Prosperity DRE 

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15K During the Pandemic


Holding Faith In the Universe Pays Off