Holding Faith In the Universe Pays Off

Name: Jaclyn W 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: Manifested my partner!! A ton on my list - here are some of my favorite pieces:

 - Wants a committed relationship with me now 

- travels, wants to travel with me 

- I feel safe with him

- from a different race or background than me

- listens and we have direct communication 

- spiritual in his own way

- dancer, likes to dance

- we vibe 

- it flows when we are together

- emotionally available 

- our relationship is a top priority to us both

- he takes the lead 

- successful and fulfilled in his work. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Love, I did this three times over two years - I was very into it! I had also done Unblocked Inner Child, How to Manifest & Unblocked No during this time. I had a lot of ah-has - biggest one was the link between previous partners and caretakers, I had no idea they all shared common traits (re addiction, unhealthy, unhappy and taking more emotional support than they gave). I had a lot of work to do around expanding into what was possible in partnership and unblocking old patterns of codependency and settling! 

Having my therapist and close friends support me during this time was also extremely helpful for me. I spent a lot of time going inward and studying relationships (re Attached book, Amanda Blair's blog, Calling in the one book, John Wineland, etc.). 

What expanders did you find?: Social media and co-workers were my biggest inspirations. Some of my favorites: 

Twitch & Alison (sir_twitch_alot & Allison Holker on instagram) - I love how they dance and workout together 

Eden & Idon (edeneats & idonivron on instagram) - I love how silly they are & they also dance together with their daughter 

Lindsey Simcik from almost 30 - loved watching her self growth turn into manifesting her partner. 

Sidney's process episode on the Expanded podcast - amazing to hear the process from another member 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: So many tests in dating for me. Most were involving settling, "are you ok with this?" "Do you think this is the best you can do?" Sometimes they were small, like a date asking if I wanted to play pool (which I did not) and me just going along with it because I thought (subconsciously) it was best to go with the flow, but really I was not honoring myself. Sometimes they were big, like a prospect that stuck around on and off again for nearly a year- yikes! That one was so hard for me, and I even knew it was a test!! (trauma bonding for sure) 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, for about a year! I decided to lean in and embrace alone time by spending more of my nights and weekends doing things I wanted to do alone. I think this was really healing for me, although I did have resistance to it at first. Now I see how important this period was for my personal growth. I did a lot of bath nights, meditation, journaling, reading, yoga, etc. 

How did your manifestation come through?: It was like magic. I met my partner in August through a mutual acquaintance. It was brief, we started following each other on social media, but nothing really happened. Then in January, I saw him again at an event with the same mutual acquaintance and bam - it just flowed; the timing was right.

I later found out he was still healing from a previous relationship when I met him the first time in August- timing is everything! Interesting to note a new job came in for him right after he met me (look at that love + money energetic!) When he came through I was no longer looking as I thought I was about to leave the country (but then COVID happened so I ended up staying). Everything felt easy, natural, expansive. I still had to work out some of my internal fears, but man, he is everything on my list, and I feel amazing with him. I almost lost faith, but I'm so glad I held strong! 


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