Taking A Leap Of Faith During Quarantine


Name: Jenny Bases

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

  • A job where I can be creative, higher salary 

  • flexible working hours 

  • The option to work remote whenever I want

  • Teach yoga and turn that into a portal

  • Share my self-love practice with others

workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I worked through How to Manifest, Authentic code & Unblocked shadow. I am currently working through an Unblocked Inner Child, and then plan to move to Unblocked Money! I discovered that I felt so unworthy of everything I wanted. I feared not being perfect. I discovered this was a block from my childhood. My parents divorced when I was young, and the only time my father would play the proud parent was at major events or when I accomplished something big. For example, he refused to ever drive me to my dance classes (4-5x a week) but would come to my recitals with a bouquet of flowers. 

I feared people seeing me during the process, which prevented me from asking for help, learning, and finding expanders because I was always so intimidated by people I thought were better/smarter looking at me. In unblocked shadow, I realized I feared being seen as "stupid" and this came from the same issue. In one of the DIs, I imagined my dad telling me I was all the things that I rejected: stupid, too sensitive, spoiled. I actually remember laughing while I did this. How could someone who never saw me becoming a better version of myself know any of these things?

On the too-sensitive aspect of shadow, I leaned into my sensitivity. For years I created a hard "bad bitch" shell that protected me. But I am truly kind and generous and empathetic, and I have decided to embrace that. So what if I cry when the Dawn Soap commercial comes on? Seeing those little ducks makes me feel, and that is such a gift in itself. I decided my intuition needed strengthening because my feelings were strong, but I needed to discern which ones are old wounds and which ones are my core self. So I did Authentic code. It gave me so much clarity on what I wanted out of a career. 

I quit my soul-sucking job and spent a month doing absolutely nothing besides the work, meditation, yoga, and lightly looking for other opportunities. A job I had applied to before I quit contacted me. At first, I wasn't sure I was interested, but getting to know the company and role more, I was baffled at how it had everything on my list. I asked for the desired salary, and they just gave it to me, no resistance. I felt so in my worth, and it was such an easy process.

What expanders did you find?: Expanders for me came in fragment expanders, as well as my own mother. I began talking with her about quitting my job and how I was fearful of doing it with nothing else planned. She told me when I was in high school; she got laid off during the recession. That's when she decided to start her own consulting business. Her brother told her, "I'm glad you think you can do that." She said at that moment; she knew she could. She knew she could take the leap. Now she's a successful and respected woman in her field. She's a fiery Aries so, who would have doubted her?

One expansive person for me was actually on the expanded podcast, Salwa Kyobe.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I was tested by getting offered another job with a significantly lower salary. I was desperate for money, but ultimately I refused it. I passed that test.

I was tested again when I went to an interview that I totally didn't jive with the people there. I refused the job again, even though it was the position and salary I wanted.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YES. After my final interview with my job, I hadn't heard back. I was scrambling. I decided to just keep going and working through things. This was probably the first time my trust muscle was tested, and I put all my faith in the universe. I tried to align myself to receiving mode and got a massage, allowed my partner to make me tea, and leaned on my friends and family for support.

How did your manifestation come through?: I stopped applying to any other jobs and waited. I continued the work, made myself happy, and enjoyed the free time I had. I remember being offered the job before I had even seen the office. I asked to meet with my manager in person, and she was the best. She had such grounding and earthy energy; I knew I wanted to work with her. The office was beautiful and stocked with healthy food, a kombucha tap, and loads of energetic and lovely people. I felt completely energized by the space. I went back home, called the HR rep I was dealing with, and accepted the offer.

For my yoga teaching manifestation, I had a ping to email a local yoga studio and offered to sub/teach any open classes. They hired me immediately. I made a couple hundred dollars before the pandemic shut them down. I felt like, well, that portal closed. But then I had a ping to offer meditations on Instagram live. Then yoga classes. Now I've been hosting weekly donation-based classes and actually making some money from them! It's so rewarding to actually know the people I'm teaching and to see their appreciation (whether through money or words). I feel like this aligns with my authentic purpose to serve and encourage self-love in others.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @jennybases

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I am from a family of Irish Catholic immigrants. My grandparents and great grandparents moved here with nothing and lived in the Bronx. My grandfather became a huge success in law enforcement and ended up working in Major League Baseball in an executive role. He is my biggest expander!!


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