Breaking Old Patterns & The Perfect Centerpiece

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I wrote in my journal: "Guide/support for manifesting an interior makeover of my home. Artful, light / bright, paintings, texture, feels beautiful, fragrant, inspiring, comfy, soft."

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been doing the work for exactly one year and two months as of yesterday. I've been feeling very in "flow" for the last two months as I've been ramping up my regular use of DRE's (4-7 days a week vs. 2 / week). I have done all of the workshops twice, just finished the DRE challenge, and did Unblocked Money for the 3rd time. 

My main block for this manifestation specifically is that my grandmother and father (her son) are both incredibly talented interior decorators but also SUPER judgemental and pretty classist. I compare myself to their talent and always feel "less than" -- like I'll never be as good as them, so why even try? It further complicates things that I don't want to feel classist or seem "selfish" (my biggest shadow word) for investing in beautiful things. My dad is specifically very critical about all things design, especially homes.

What expanders did you find?: My grandma and dad are both actually my major expanders because they always made beautiful homes with second hand manifested items on the cheap. I also have a new friend who is a photographer, like me, and DOESN'T have an aesthetically obsessed family like mine -- but she is the most gifted untrained interior decorator I've ever met. She does it purely because she loves it. I'm always insanely inspired by her little apartment, which is about the same square footage as my house.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The main test I faced was that I wanted other people to tell me if buying this couch was the right choice. I called my parents, who didn't pick up, and about 5 mins later, I "jumped off the cliff" and just bought the couch. WITHOUT getting anyone's approval. Big one for me.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I had a magic dark during my first year of TBM that lasted for months. But for this manifestation, I had no magic dark at all.

How did your manifestation come through?: ~ I MANIFESTED MY DREAM COUCH IN 5 MINUTES ~

I've wanted a blue velvet cover for my IKEA couch for about six months. I even asked for it for my bday, and my request was essentially ignored. I let it go completely considering the covers are $200+, and the couch itself is only worth $400, and I had just bought a cover for it two years ago (that's falling apart, alas). I decided to finally write down on my list that I wanted support on doing an "interior makeover of my home, artful, light/bright, paintings, texture, comfy, soft, light, fragrant, inspiring." Basically manifesting the support and the specific FEELING of the makeover.

5 mins later, my friend texted me with a photo of the blue tufted velvet couch of my dreams that had just arrived at a secondhand shop for $175. Perfect condition! And in one of my signature colors in my color palette for home and wardrobe (dusty blue). It's perfect, honestly, better than I could have imagined. My father in law just happened to be at my house with his truck, so I drove it over to the shop, bought it and it fit in the truck bed to within 1 inch. My father in law even helped me bring it inside. I had it at my house within 20 mins.

I'm so inspired by this couch, and it gives me a centerpiece to build around! As a manifesting generator, they always say to "follow what lights you up," and this def fits that to a T. Doing the work has helped me so much in breaking through my family trauma, and clearly, the result is some major flow with manifesting beautiful things. I've been manifesting clothes like crazy too without writing specific lists.

I'm a "specific" Manifesting Generator / Virgo Sun, Pisces Rising, Taurus Moon.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @willfrolicforfood


Pathway / DREs / Money


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