Exploring Japan For Free

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No

What was on your manifestation list?: A trip to Japan, all paid for. I should explain that my job is a Travel Writer for a magazine :)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Shadow and Unblocked Money. I needed to raise my self-worth. I was thinking, "why should I get free things, it's hard to get free things" forgetting that I'm a rockstar at my job.

What expanders did you find?: Other travel writers on social media and a few colleagues of mine

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: After I approached a PR agency and asked to go to Japan and write about it, I was offered to go solo, covering half of my trip and planning the itinerary alone while the Tourism Board of Japan covered only my flights and journalists pass. I could have said "yes" to partial funding while knowing that travel journalists like me are totally capable of receiving invites to travel abroad for free.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes. I initially accepted the offer to cover half the cost of this trip but then realized I could do better and said "no" to the PR agency. I waited for 5-7 days with nothing happening before I got a better offer.

How did your manifestation come through?: After saying "no" to going solo to Japan and paying for half my trip (hotel and food), a week later the PR agency representing the Japan tourism board invited me to lunch in NYC, and offered another trip where I pay nothing at all and a better, more organized experience! So now I get to see Japan for absolutely free being led by a translator!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @dayanatravels


Shadow / Money


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