Passing Up A Shiny Carrot to Manifest My Entire List

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I had just completed my first feature film, and I wanted to manifest my world premiere at a film festival. I asked that the festival be respected, have a step and retreat, professional photographs, and a built-in audience. I asked that the festival champion their filmmakers and help with press opportunities. I wanted the festival to honor good films, not honor celebrity-driven films. I asked that the festival would help lead to more festivals.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest

What expanders did you find?: I started following female filmmakers online that had their first films in festivals.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I was offered a world premiere at a festival that was mediocre. They told me that my film was their favorite film of the year and that they would do anything to have me at their festival. But I knew this wasn't the kind of festival that would really lead to anything big. Everything in my gut told me this wasn't the festival for my world premiere. So I told them no.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: When the first festival came to me and asked for my world premiere, I didn't have any other prospects, and I got a bunch of no's from other festivals. But I still said no to the opportunity.

How did your manifestation come through?: Two days after I turned down the festival, I got an email from an incredible film festival that wanted my world premiere. They literally check off EVERYTHING I was looking for in my world premiere. Not only is it a prestigious festival, they have done so much to help my film and truly care about the filmmakers and their stories. They even offered to fly me out to London and put me up for the festival!


How to Manifest


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