I Knew The Right Job Would Present Itself

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: NEW JOB

- Making at least $45k a year (I've never made anything close to this)

- A job in marketing that isn't just a social media job

- Not an agency

- Work that Isn't selling products to people (B2B, not B2C)

- Work that has more responsibilities (more responsibility = more money)

- I wanted more money so I could pay my bills without being stressed and so I have money left over to save to buy a house eventually and travel more while being able to buy things I want

- Work with people who feel like family

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Work I've done in the Pathway:

- Unblocked Inner Child (2 times all the way through. Here and there, I'll go back and do certain days depending on what's coming up for me. Usually, whenever I'm about to spend time with family is when I revisit Reparent.)

- Unblocked Shadow (2 times. However, there is one day I skip (the day you're supposed to ask five people what is holding you back) because I'm self-aware enough to know what I need to work on, plus my husband is a great mirror to show me what those things are)

- Unblocked Money (1 time)

- I have listened to most of the Supported recordings + take notes

- I listen to every podcast + take notes

What expanders did you find?: To be completely honest, most of my friends are expanders for me. Also, something Lacy has said about Donald Trump made me realize he's an expander too in a way. Because he firmly believed he deserved to be president, he became president. When I realized all I needed to do was believe that I deserve a job that I want, it all just fell into place. With that being said, it took me a few years to finally come to the realization that I can work a job with more responsibility. I also had a traumatizing experience with my husband (long story - he had to go to the ER), and after that, I felt like since I went through that, I could handle literally any stress. After the ER incident, I was made the offer by my dream job two days later.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: When I was applying for work, a lot of part-time freelance work appeared when I was also applying for FT work. I kept getting interviews for PT work and wasn't getting it. I also had a span of time where I had 0 clients and wasn't able to buy my husband or family Christmas presents. I was offered a full time job where I'd be making $30k a year, too. 

I didn't accept that job and asked them if I could have a week to think about it (I did this because I knew I would be made offers by the two dream jobs I interviewed at, I just needed time for them). I knew I would get offers from these other two places because I went in 150% confident and honestly had a feeling about them. I am really in touch with my intuition and just felt it in my soul.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YEP, lol. I quit my job in March 2019 to pursue freelance. I was working for a marketing agency, and the work was boring and uninspiring. I thought working freelance and having my own clients would make me feel more fulfilled. Once I started working freelance, I discovered that it didn't make me happy either. Not only that, but I was now making less than half of what I was at the agency (which was less than $30k a year, so not much).

 I ended up having to get a job at a yoga studio working the front desk to keep myself afloat and ended up quitting that because it made my self worth even lower. 

I went to college and graduated with a degree in Ad & PR. I was tired of working jobs where my job was to help businesses sell things to people that they don't need. I hated that - I wanted to do work that mattered with people who are professional. In October, I lost my only freelance client and was out of work for a few weeks. I was down during this time. I ended up picking up two more clients quickly but wasn't paid until about a month after I had started working for them. Not to mention, one of those freelance clients missed a big invoice, so I wasn't paid and couldn't buy Christmas presents for my husband or family. I was tired of clients not paying invoices on time. This happened A LOT…if you want to pursue freelance, make sure you have really strict boundaries around being paid on time. I discovered this was not a boundary I was willing to work on. 

I discovered not knowing how much I was going to make every month made me very financially insecure, and I was starting to operate from that space - which resulted in a lot of unnecessary arguments with my husband and me spiraling into negative self-talk) The constant missed invoices was really just a sign for me that freelance wasn't where I was supposed to be. Around the time, I lost my freelance client in October when I started applying for full-time work. I was applying to everything and getting no responses. I interviewed someplace two times for two different part-time jobs (that I knew I wasn't passionate about) and didn't get those either.

How did your manifestation come through?: I believe it was from doing a shit ton of work in the Pathway coupled with my daily mindful practices (meditation, journal, workout). I am also pretty sure I am very tapped into my intuition/the universe because I knew I was going to get offers from all 3 of these places, I really cannot explain how other than it was knowing.


Shadow / Money / Inner Child / Pathway


Passing Up A Shiny Carrot to Manifest My Entire List


Co-Creating The Ideal Position For Me