A Kismet Opportunity To Reconnect With A Friend

I just wanted to share an expanding moment I had recently...

I've been calling in a partner and have been passing tests, then I passed the last test, which showed me a lot of my low self-worth, gave me clarity on why I'm attracting the same tests over and over. I felt like I finally hit the bottom, and had a huge breakthrough in owning my shadow. After that, I felt like I really needed a break from relationships and truly focused on myself instead of seeking instant validation from outside sources. So I decided to do the work daily and stopped hanging out with friends much so I could spend more time with myself.

Then I happened to watch some artist's music video on YouTube. I realized he's a Japanese artist who I'd met once in Australia ages ago. When I met him, he was a busker on the street, but now he's an established artist organizing his label, community, and such.

I got so inspired by what he's been building in these last years. I even got shocked like "What the hell have I been doing in my life?! I could have achieved more and more like him if I knew my worth!!"

And right after that, my female friend who's also in the music industry texted me to just check-in. I mentioned him with no such intention, just as I thought she might know him. She didn't just know him, she's actually going to organize a music festival with him this summer. So she's now inviting me to catch up with them before that. I don't think this is going to be a romantic situation, nor do I want it to be, but it's just so inspiring and expanding to be around someone who's totally in their worth, knowing their authentic self and even being successful in that area.

I've always settled for guys who's much less than I want because I believed I deserve only that. Now I see my worth more clearly, and started to believe that I deserve the BEST, so the universe is now showing me the real possibilities:)


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