Manifesting My Dream Life & Trusting Myself

Is this real life? I’ve been working on manifesting money and a stable freelance career. I wanted to make my own income and wealth from my birth business. I’ve never been successful financially and rely on my husband for all things money and security.. until now. In just a couple of months, things have picked up dramatically! In the last two days, I sent out an invoice for two new clients and an article that’s going to be published in a UK magazine. I have friends who are available and open to watching my kids at the drop of a hat (something else I’ve been calling in is community). I have my own savings account, and money is flowing into my two separate businesses and checking accounts.

 I am now on the board of directors for a perfectly aligned non-profit, and I will possibly be taking on my dream position of training Doulas. I always have money now! I’m making more money than ever and working less than I ever have in the past. No forcing, no pushing, no incessant “marketing.” I was able to take calls this morning and then decided to drop everything to go to the park with my kids because the sun came out... basically my dream life. My favorite part of it though is that I *feel* secure. And it’s not the money. I trust myself. 

Because of this work, I feel more myself than I ever remember feeling as an adult, and it’s the best! I have no doubt that my next big manifestations are coming this year, and I’m even more excited to see how I evolve as this year goes on. I am SO grateful for this work and this process ❤️


A Kismet Opportunity To Reconnect With A Friend


Focusing On What I Wanted to Feel With My Ideal Partner