Focusing On What I Wanted to Feel With My Ideal Partner

I manifested a partner in about four months. I’m still slowly going through the unblocked child. I had a lot of childhood trauma and teenage trauma, so I do each visualization two to three times because I had to create new magnetic parents and a new home, and that was challenging for me at first. I’m a nonspecific manifesting generator. I had a list of what I wanted, but it never felt right... 

I just knew the universe would bring me a surprise man who would be wonderful, and I just knew how I wanted to feel with a man, not what I want him to be like. So for me, all of this takes time because I don’t yet have clarity on other things I want, and I had a lot of fear and trauma starting out. This work has helped immensely, and I wish you all the best, and yes, it can take more time for some of us. 


Inner Child


Manifesting My Dream Life & Trusting Myself


Manifesting The Perfect Expander & A Kismet Move To Paris