Honoring Pings While Manifesting Multiple Lists

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No 

What was on your manifestation list?: Well, the manifestation list has changed and evolved over the last two years. I will share a series of lists: - Financial Freedom 

  •  Larger audience on Social Media 

  •  Travel to Tulum and Bali ( which already happened three times each place) - receive opportunities to teach yoga retreats ( happened and happening =) ) 

  •  An expander career within the music industry ( I got an internship with Envision Music Festival 2018 and 2019)

  •   More workshop gigs that are paid 

  •  When It felt like I fell off a cliff into a new timeline, I was forced to move to a new city because I became homeless due to being scammed by a Miami realtor. 

  • So I wrote the list below when I moved to Philly as I was living out of my suitcase and couch surfing. ALL of the things on this list were manifested =) 

  •  a home in a certain area 

  •  roommates that are on my level 

  •  yoga teaching gigs 

  •  be able to work from home and not rely on yoga classes 

  •  more marketing gigs and yoga workshops 

  •  paid sponsors for my podcast, then I received the call to leave Philly after giving it a shot for seven months. 

I feel that Philly was a test, and I passed it. I was paying more in rent than I wanted to and was living with a house full of alcoholics. Living there really lowered my self worth because of the way I was treated by my roommates. So it was the ultimate test of reclaiming my self-worth. I manifested everything on the list below as well. The main thing was that I needed to EFFORTLESSLY move out of Philly because my body and my adrenals were burned out, and I was physically and emotionally so drained. 

I basically created a test for the universe and said, " if I am meant to leave Philly, then please show me by making this process the EASIEST moving process ever. Show me by allowing someone to come through and rent my room effortlessly, so I don't have to stress or worry," and that's exactly what happened. The very first guy who responded to my ad loved the room, and he is subletting from me, which helped me move to Florida and stay with my mother temporarily so I could save more money. I am sort of in a magic dark right now, but it feels good because I know HUGE things are in motion. The list I wrote while leaving Philly is below: 

  • Leave Philly because it was a toxic living environment 

  • Find someone to sublet my room 

  • Gracefully and effortlessly move/ pack and not be stressed out 

  • Move in with my mom and heal adrenals, find a holistic doctor, and save more money so I can do more things that actually are nourishing and healing for my soul and body. 

  • Find a doctor and holistic doctor while in Florida, staying with family, and focusing on upleveling my entire life: Most of these I have already manifested, and it's only been three weeks. 

  • more paid collaborations with companies that truly are in alignment with my ethics 

  • Yoga retreat opportunities 

  • To teach on a retreat. 

  • I manifested this! and will be teaching in Mexico in May 

  • Paid sponsorships for my podcast "The Vibe Within" - 

  • Save $1,000 to go towards a Shamangelic healing training in Sedona 

  • Community and meditation meetings in Florida 

  • I want to get to my first huge money-saving goal of $25,000 which I am VERY far from, but I know it's going to happen 

  • Find a financial advisor expander friend who will help me create a better financial plan with Roth IRA, Investing, and stocks, etc. 

  • Find a holistic doctor and heal my hormones. 

** my hormones have been totally out of whack ever since I moved to Philly. I lost my period, and my adrenals literally felt like they were shutting down because I was constantly in fight or flight in Philly. It was non stop, and it was one of the hardest times of my life. My body felt like it was literally shutting down, which was the huge CALL from my guides on my birthday 12/12, that I needed to go back to my moms and stay there for a little while, or I was going to die. 

** What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did the Unblocked Inner Child, and I feel like that really helped me figure out what programming and conditioning my parents ingrained within me. The relationship between money, expectations, and us. I manifested more expanders in my life that could reparent me and guide me towards a trusting, energetic vibration because I realized that my trust was broken since I was seven years old. My parents lied to me and kept things secrets, and initially really messed up the way I viewed the world and my worth. 

My mother became bankrupt twice and married a man because she was basically broke and didn't have a place for my sister and I to live. We were forced to move in with my stepdad, which was 40 minutes away from middle school and high school. This created SO much resentment from me towards my mother. To this day, I see that her cycles are still in full effect. She does everything for my stepfather because she basically lives off of his money. She is sick and doesn't have the capability to work, so she basically does everything to upkeep the house. She relies on him for money and security, and I realized I DO NOT want that for myself, but what that created was a block between me and letting love in. 

I am still working on this, but I am more aware and mindful that the way my mother treats everyone really took a toll on my self-worth. Other blocks that I have been working through are my body image, as I struggled with eating disorders all through high school and college. I am finally reclaiming my worth now that I am living in a more safe and private environment. 

What expanders did you find?: I found amazing expanders through my Bridge internship with Envision Music Festival 2018 and 2019 famous yoga instructors who are well known in the LA and the Cali scene - Aubry Marie <3, Jonah Kest, and Bizzie Gold, to name a few. I became really good friends with one of these expanders that actually helped align amazing opportunities with my path. It also brought in so many collaborations with brands and companies that actually feel in alignment with me. I am utilizing Instagram and my podcast in a completely new way. I am reaching out to people who I find inspiring and who I feel could be expanders for me while interviewing them on my podcast. 

Every single person I reached out to have said yes, and I have learned so much from all of them so far. Instead of interviewing people I think I should be interviewing, I am only reaching out to people who are in complete alignment with what I am looking to learn about. Basically, I am handpicking my expanders off IG, and I am bringing them to life and into my personal life by bringing them on the podcast to share their medicine and their story. By doing this, I feel personally expanded by them, and I feel strong connections to them away from Instagram. Basically, I am creating a life that is full of expanders by using my podcast as a tool. Other expanders are companies that I have been affiliated with over the years—lots of CBD companies and influencers. I met a lot of expanders during my internship for the Envision music festival. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: SO MANY. Like wow. 

TEST #1: in 2018, I was offered an internship at the Envision Music Festival, which I mentioned above. This was a HUGE bridge internship, and the months leading up to the festival, I wrote a detailed list of what I was looking for in a partner. Basically, I met a guy who I "thought" fit all the criteria. Physically he did down to the fact that he had dreads and tattoos and was super tall. But HE WAS A TEST. I feel like I half failed and half passed. It turns out that we had a wild connection, and when we parted ways, and I went back to Miami ( where I lived), I got scammed by a realtor who I thought found my roommate and me an apartment, but we were indeed scammed. It left me homeless, forced to put all my belongings in storage, and give my beloved cat to my mom to take care of him while I figured things out. 

I left my life in Miami, where I had a huge yogi community who loved my yoga classes. Since I was literally homeless and felt plucked out of my reality, I went to Philly and stayed with the guy I met at Envision because he was very into me and wanted to help me. Long story short, I stayed there for two weeks, and I realized that it was NOT what I expected. He was a drug addict and a drug dealer. So he was definitely a test. 

TEST #2- A bartending position that fell into my lap seemed too good to be true, but I realized after my 4th shift there that it was A TEST. I left that shift with a goiter on my neck, completely broken out in acne, and that was the calling that I needed to QUIT. Which I did and RAISED MY SELF WORTH. 

Test #3: The "dream house" I manifested in Philly- turns out THAT was a test as well. The living scenario was toxic. I was mistreated, things were stolen from me, and I was living with a few roommates who were very heavy into drinking and partying, which is NOT what I wanted. So I left! I passed that test for sure. 

TEST #4: The toxic man archetype. I was tested with another man in Philly who seemed to be really into me, we were friends at first, and then after we hooked up after months of being friends, he ghosted me. This was the ultimate test for me, and him ghosting me did not Lower my self-worth. Being ghosted by him did not invalidate my self-love practice. It sort of put me in a dark place, though I got myself out of it. So I feel like my entire Philly 7 months was for sure a weird rut, and also a HUGE TEST. It tested my worth, my manifesting skills, my desires, and my patience. Leaving right when I heard my guides telling me that Philly wasn't for me completely made me feel like I passed the test. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YES. I think I have experienced several since 2018. 

1. When I broke my arm, I was forced to slow down. This was THE MOMENT my Saturn return began. It forced me to slow down, take care of my body, and this is when my manifesting practice really spiked. I journaled so fucking much, and I literally saw things come into fruition. I was forced to start creating new ways to make money since I couldn't rely on bartending. So in a way, I feel like the universe broke my arm for me so I could see that I can MAKE MONEY in other ways than bartending and serving tables, which I did from ages 17 to 27. 

I hosted my first yoga retreat with a full arm cast, in Costa Rica, in the summer. It was still fucking AMAZING. 

2. Magic dark while I was in Philly. I had no friends and only taught part-time. I stopped drinking and partying. The only thing I did was work out and learn about healing, manifesting, and I spent SO MUCH of my time in my room, making my room a temple, meditating, recording my podcast, and rarely hanging out with people. I felt isolated, almost like I was in solitary confinement, and I thought to myself, " is this literally how my life is going to be forever? It was dark, lonely, scary, and terrifying. I felt depressed and trapped, so all I did was work on my podcast, learn tarot, and other modalities of healing. I really dipped into my spiritual practice and meditation. 

3. I am still in a magic dark period now that I am living in Florida again. This time I am staying with my mom and stepdad. I NEVER in a million years would have thought that I would live here, but my guides were screaming at me that I needed to leave Philly. My health was not doing well, and now I am able to focus on my health, finding doctors who can help me as well as heal my hormones and adrenals, etc. The entire year of 2019, I was in FIGHT OR FLIGHT. I got the biggest clear download ever that I needed to get the hell out of Philly and CHANGE the timeline I was in. Living with my mom is triggering, and it's bringing up SO many conditioning and patterns that I am working through. 

My shadow is here, and it's bringing memories with it, but now I have the tools to get through it without lashing out ( most of the time). SO I do think I am in a magic dark phase right now, but I can literally FEEL AND SEE everything coming through very organically. My manifestations have been trickling through with little to no effort now. I cleared out the heavy toxic space that was weighing me down in Philly, and now I have all the space to bring in the manifestations.

How did your manifestation come through?: 

  • -companies reaching out to me for paid Ads for my podcast. 

  • - Cbd companies emailing me for collaborations 

  • - random gigs from companies that feel super in alignment with my ethics. 

  • -TRAVEL !! I asked the universe to present to me more travel opportunities that will be paid and guide me to people who are in alignment with me. The universe got VERY creative for this one. Listen to this. So I've wanted to make a trip out to LA, I miss some of my friends, and I want to see if I can line up some Cbd yoga workshops out there. 

I taught one at wanderlust in Hollywood in 2018, and it went really amazing. My friend Heather texted me out of the blue one day and asked me if I would be interested in a dog and house sitting for her and her husband's house while they are on vacation. She said she would pay for my flight, and their place is in Long Beach! BAM. I said, yes. The dates for the dog sitting are May 16-30. The next day or so after that, the yoga retreat opportunity came through. They said they would love for me to teach yoga on their Mexico Retreat, which starts on May 30. LITERALLY perfectly aligned date wise. I can't make this shit up. I said yes because it felt so perfectly aligned, and I could easily fly to Mexico from LAX, and it's cheaper too! 

TODAY I received the biggest check I've received for monetizing my podcast and Instagram, $735.00. I have it hanging on my mirror because it's sort of unbelievable. I would NEVER have thought I could do this. $735 is what I would hustle my ass off for a month just to make rent. I made it in a couple hours of working on something I love and am passionate about, my podcast. There are so many other manifestations coming through, and as you can see, I am very excited to share all of this with you. I am sorry for making all of my answers so long and detailed, but it truly is so crazy the shit that has been happening. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: gypsyloveflow 


Inner Child


Leaning Into the Work & Validation From The Universe


Breaking Out of A Rock Bottom To Find My Dream Home