Reprogramming Ancestral Wounds, A Free Car, & Inner Peace

 Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I didn't have a list. When I started the pathway, it was to go through Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow. I just wanted to clean up my triggers. I began because I am the mother of a now 2-year old, in an abusive relationship with an erratic drug addict (I didn't know it until recently). I could not get out for many many reasons. So I began doing the work to find a way to get out. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with money (one year ago) and discovered that I was actually ok there. I discovered how capable and amazing I already was with money. Then I used Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow. I found so many ways my parents' fears programmed me in my childhood, and I kept coming back to trust in the source. 

Many of the DREs I did felt very similar, and I didn't ever have exact memories. Just many facets of the feeling state I was in. I also had many "past life" things that came up that were very profound. Things about my female ancestral line being made to not speak or being hanged for their knowledge. Sometimes it was hard to know how to repair these wounds, but when I did, I felt increasing peace. 

What expanders did you find?: I read many accounts of women with children leaving abusive relationships and being strong enough to be on their own. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Endless tests of trying and failing to enforce boundaries and to trust myself. When I failed or got triggered, I would take it through DRE to get out of the victim mentality. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I'm in it right now. Things aren't settled, and I'm not totally free, but so many things have been coming to me that I need effortlessly. A free car, extra cash, free parking, discounts, people are buying things for me and offering to help. I feel content and peaceful, almost all the time. My constant anxiety is gone.

How did your manifestation come through?: Still not totally there. One of the things missing before was support from family and friends, which I did so much work around. Support has been showing up more and more. I have been receiving love in many ways and feeling really worthy and cared for. AND I finally made my list, my real list of things I actually want to create. I wanted to share this story because it's not at all typical, and it's messy, and I hope it can help someone else who may be similarly lost. Working on myself and turning to myself in this darkness has been such a gift of this time, and truly the only way out. 


Inner Child / Shadow


Surrendering To The Process So I Could Find Fulfillment


Surprising Support From The Universe