Surrendering To The Process So I Could Find Fulfillment

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: Yoga Teaching Job in LA for minimum $50/class 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have done Unblocked Inner Child and part of Unblocked Shadow, but the main workshop I used for this manifestation was UnBlocked No. I also did the Tests DRE. 

What expanders did you find?: My business mentor has made $100+ in studio classes in LA. I spent time reaching out to some yoga teachers I know in LA and asking them what they make at the different studios they teach at. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Lots of tests! Back in the fall, I quit my teaching job where I was underpaid and undervalued and decided to take my career to the next level and move up to LA. I was feeling super magnetic and got some auditions at some really great studios but was faced with some rejection, which really hurt my self worth going into future auditions. Then, I auditioned at another studio that I really loved the energy of and connected with some of the teachers. The audition went well, but it was a long process communication-wise that required a lot of patience. I finally heard back for sure that I got the position as a sub at the studio, and I even got as far as having my name on the schedule. 

We finally get around to discussing pay. I made a decision after my last teaching job that I wouldn't accept a teaching job for under $50/class anymore. I asked the studio owner for $70/class. He comes back saying that they generally start new instructors at $30 but was willing to give me $36/class and that the rate I was asking for was higher than most studios in LA. I was so bummed and frustrated to hear this, especially after having already invested a lot of time and energy in getting this job. I was tempted to take it because I wanted to start teaching, loved this studio, and since I had already been faced with rejection, I was scared I wouldn't find another studio I would like or would offer me what I wanted. On top of this, I had a conversation with my dad, who has been helping me partly financially while I get my teaching career going. He encouraged me to just take the job, and part of me wanted to help take some financial stress off my dad. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, I think so, if I have the definition correct! I ended up emailing the owner back saying I didn't think $36 was a fair exchange for all I have to offer their studio, and the lowest I will accept for now is $50. I had to be completely okay with them saying no to that amount and having to turn the job down. It was a two day waiting period between me sending that email and hearing back, and even though I was scared and part of me was questioning myself, I felt this sense of peace and pride in the decision I made. I just leaned into surrender and trust. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I got an email tonight saying that I am confirmed to get $50 per class! The three most impactful factors in this manifestation, I believe, were this: 

1. One of the questions I asked myself when faced with this decision that helped me get really clear is, "does saying yes to this feel expansive or contractive?" I knew if I said yes to the $36, I would feel frustrated and resentful. 

2. Doing my research (aka finding expanders). There's not a lot of info online on what the real average salary for yoga teachers is. It can be awkward to ask people how much money they make, but I found people were happy to share and give advice, and it was super helpful to have that information going into negotiations. 

3. Human Design! I recently have been learning a lot about human design and have found it makes a lot of sense for me, and this was the first time I really consciously put it into practice. I am an Emotional Generator. Generator's strategy is to respond to the options presented to you and only say yes to things that 100% light you up. In this situation, it would have been practical and safe to say yes to the $36, but I knew that didn't light me up. Also, since I have an emotional authority, I gave myself 24hours to make my decision and made sure I was doing it from a space of clarity. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @Megan.Claire 


Inner Child / Shadow / DREs / No


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