Building Magnetism & Landing My Dream Job

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No 

What was on your manifestation list?: This manifestation was very specific, as I am a specific manifestor. I was trying to manifest a job as a wildland firefighter at a very specific fire station in a location I have always wanted to live, but there are not many jobs there, and the cost of living is very high because of the remote location. I wanted a female boss (because this job is traditionally masculine) and a supportive boss who is attentive and professional. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I used the daily DRE's in order to unblock subconscious beliefs about how employers/bosses are, especially in the fire service. I discovered I didn't think it was possible for me to find an employer who was kind, not-sexist, and supportive. 

What expanders did you find?: I had bosses in similar fields who were supportive of me. I looked through TBM's testimonial page, and listened to most of Lacy Phillips's TBM podcasts, which were huge expanders. I volunteered at a fire station and worked for a female lead firefighter who showed me that both female and male engine captains could be supportive of women firefighters. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: My first test was overcoming my fear of reaching out to the volunteer firefighter position. I have shadow around putting myself out on a limb, especially for a line of work that is traditionally male. I overcame my blocks around that and took the leap to reach out about volunteering for this fire station. I was immediately given an application and accepted for a one month position working for a female lead firefighter who had tons of connections and experience as a firefighter. 

This work even combined my bachelor/master degree coursework with the fire service, which was a dream-come-true. My next test was letting go of my other job. I had been working next door to the fire station for years as a park ranger in a very dead-end position in fee collection/customer service. This used to be my dream job, but I kept running into circumstances that made me feel very low in my self-worth. My boss was very dramatic and gossiped (my old shadows/how I used to be, which is what attracted me to her as an employer initially, before I had done a LOT of self-work). 

She pretended to have my back and support me, but she showed me through her actions that she did not. She was very codependent and needed to micromanage- again, traits I used to have that she reflected back to me. Once I did a year of intense self-work, I realized I didn't want to be in this profession anymore, and I had always had pings to become a firefighter. This old job was a guarantee for me, though- it was safe, easy, and I was very good at it. I had to decide to completely let go of it, and instead of reapplying (like I did every year because it is seasonal), I decided not to reapply even though I did not have another job lined up yet. I got multiple other interest emails for similar jobs, and I ultimately decided to turn down those positions because I wanted to be a firefighter. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I experienced a magic dark period for about one month. When I refused to reapply for my old job, and I turned down other jobs, including a firefighting job that wasn't in the location I wanted, nor did it have the employer I wanted, I didn't hear anything for about one month. I had a "fuck it" fund aside, as Lacy told us to do, and I had to really try and surrender. Towards the end of the magic dark, I was getting fairly nervous that I might not be employed before my money ran out. In order to pass this last test, I reminded myself that if I did not get a job offer, I still had options that would help me get a job offer next time (like getting my EMT, taking a fire class, volunteering for a fire station again, etc.). 

How did your manifestation come through?: I got an interest email from an organization I did not even realize I had applied for. The email was signed at the bottom by a female firefighter who is in charge of the entire forest/organization. I called her before I had class one morning, and she answered. I told her I was interested in the position, and she made time for a conversation that semi-turned into a job interview, though very informal. I gave her quick points about my experience and told her where I had worked before, which made me stand out from other candidates. The next week, an engine captain called me, and it turns out he is the engine captain of the exact station I randomly drove by six months prior and thought, briefly, "I would totally love to work there." 

I never thought about that fire station again, nor did I realize that was one of the stations I applied for. I had always wanted to live in this exact area but never thought it was feasible in my previous career. I spoke with the captain, and he informally interviewed me, then we had a formal interview on extremely short notice. This turned out to be the best-case scenario because I was completely my highest, most magnetic self because I had no time to prepare or psyche myself out. After the interview, I asked the captain what he was looking for in an employee, and he said, "Honestly, I want someone who answers these questions exactly the way you answered them." I was officially offered the job a couple days later- my dream job, in my dream home, and the rent is only $170/month right next to my station. 

My captain is male, but his boss is female, and my captain is extremely supportive of women in the fire service- his actions in other years fully back this up. I asked him if I could take a course to improve my career, and he didn't hesitate to work all the details out for me. I am so excited, and this formula worked EXACTLY how Lacy said it would. I am so excited and feel so in my worth and cannot wait to start this position this spring!! I started getting so many job offers (~3 per day for three weeks) right after I accepted this position- proof of how magnetic this process made me. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: kate.mookie 




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