A Grounded + Fun Partner and a Cozy House

Name: Cory Sargeant 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: I was looking for a new place to live, specifically a cozy back house with lots of light and a partner who would be both grounded and fun. That's the gist of it! I am a specific manifester, so the lists are long. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did How to Manifest as well as Unblocked Shadow, and Unblocked Inner Child. 

What expanders did you find?: I had a lot of friends with qualities in their relationships that I desired. I found what I really loved about the expanders was how they navigated communication and that they were committed to finding a resolution in a loving way. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I said no to a lot of apartments that didn't spark joy, and something just felt off or wasn't on my list. I was feeling established in my career and wanted a new home that reflected where I felt I was at. Romantically, I had several tests. Doing these workshops really helped me stay focused on my goals and recognize early on these tests almost to the point where it became comical how certain men were playing into my old patterns. All the work I was doing made me want to break those patterns even more and felt confident someone better was on the other side of saying no. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: It got really quiet both in terms of finding a home and dating. What really struck me at this time was sort of the quiet confidence and peace I had during this time. I sensed very strongly everything was about to arrive, and yet at the same time, I completely let it go and trusted. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I signed up for the pathway last April 2019, and in late June, a friend of a friend was moving out of the most dreamy, bright light back house in a very cute, safe neighborhood in my price range. Since the former tenants knew me, I had no competition, and the place was mine! Something that caught my eye was that over the last few months leading up to this, I kept seeing 1111 and doubles of numbers. My home number is 3344, and the time on the clock when I first walked in to see the place was 11:11. The following week before moving in on July 1st, I was searching for a new dresser. 

I was having such a hard time deciding on one. I would almost purchase, and then right before I did found something wrong or something held me back. Then I tried to buy one on IKEA, and there was an error three times. I took it as a sign to move on. Then it pinged in my head I never tried Craigslist. I never used it before and found a few cute mid-century dressers but one, in particular, caught my eye, and I set up a time to go look at it in Alta Dena. I almost ditched the appointment, but a friend convinced me to go last minute. I walked to the door, and a handsome man in a beautiful home (address 1177) answered the door. Ten months later, we are happier than can be, and he is exactly what I asked for on my list. Our first date was July 1st, the same day I moved into my new place. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @corysarg 


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