Lots of Unblocking + a Record Deal

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No 

What was on your manifestation list?: My goal my entire life was to be able to make a living playing and writing music. My goal was to achieve this, get a record deal, and live my dreams. After a year and a half of hard work, and what you taught me about saying no and self-worth and value, I achieved it! 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Money, and Unblocked NO. I realized that from childhood, I was holding onto limiting beliefs that I wasn't deserving of success and wasn't talented enough to be an artist. Even though I was born an artist and I knew it in my bones. I had a couple of theater teachers that really affected me. When I was in elementary school- I loved acting, music and singing. 

This was known by everyone in my school because I would talk about it constantly and perform whenever I could for anyone. Including singing on the playground for people LOL! My theater teacher, for some reason, never saw me, and while I was dying for the lead roles, he would assign me roles that made me feel less than and unseen (such as, in Romeo and Juliet when I wanted Juliet, I got the role of THE PRINCE! Wut). It was so amazing to see that it wasn't me that was unworthy or not talented, but it was the concept that these people had made me FEEL this way, and at my core, I was none of these things. I also realized they never knew the impact on me or my career, and oddly after I unraveled and got to the root of why I felt undeserving of success, the drama teacher who came up in ALL of my DI's actually found me on Facebook and started singing my praises. 

It was all so bizarre and kismet. I learned that I was worthy of everything, as we all are. We are all the same, and what happens to us definitely can dictate our entire life path because we believe it- Until we wake up, and then it's so crystal clear. Learning how to say no in my career with music was also HUGE. I used to jump at every opportunity because I thought saying no was scary and that I had to play every show I was offered, even if I wasn't getting paid or knew no one would be there. I still said yes, to utter disappointment. I implemented NO over and over through 2019, navigating through my new musical project I was cultivating, and poof. 

Come December out of NOWHERE one day, I had a manager (which I had been manifesting) and three days later, a record deal. It was all beautiful, surreal, and magical. I put in the work, and it blew my mind. Forever grateful. 

What expanders did you find?: I had a list of expanders, women who played music, and got signed on their own in their thirties (this was big as I had a deep limiting belief that I was too old to be a signed artist). Sia was one who achieved mass success at 40). I also made a new amazing friend, ironically, who my ex-boyfriend left me for. This person had destroyed my life (I thought); it took a couple years to realize it was not her, but my ex-boyfriend that was the real problem. I was always jealous of her because she was way more successful than me and had everything I had always wanted ( a thriving career as a songwriter, a house in the Hollywood hills, vacations, and so much self-worth and confidence). 

She also popped up in my DI's quite often as an expander. Well, the universe brought us together, and she approached me to apologize. We are now very close friends, and she is still a giant expander for me. She has shown me so much about value and believing in yourself as an artist. It was truly beautiful. The asshole ended up doing the same thing for her, and I helped her through the healing of getting over the emotional abuse we both endured. It was an extremely cathartic and beautiful situation. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I was tested with lots of people reaching out to work with me, who I could tell weren't right but were quite shiny. I needed help, but when my gut told me no, I had to follow it. I had a publicist I hired to work with me as I was self-releasing music/ he would take my money and not really do much work. I kept going back to this person out of desperation- failed test. Finally, though, I passed and let him go, thank god. Then finally, an email came into my inbox that I almost ignored. It seemed like bait, and sometimes these emails are copy and paste, meaning they find musicians and offer help, but really they just want money. So sad. 

I had the ping to respond - a week later and say thank you, but I'm not interested at the moment. I was met with, well, are you looking for management? I'm currently working with a manager and would love to send him your music. The rest was history. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Lol. My magic dark lasted way too long. I was holding onto a relationship that destroyed my self-worth. He was a completely controlling narcissist and even made me feel like I would never succeed as a musician ( btw I've been in bands since I was 12, I have had moderate success but never with my solo projects). He wanted to squash any remaining self-worth I ever had. I was at a low with him. Then I quit music and became a nanny: I was miserable. I truly believed I would never make it as a musician. I thought this was my life forever, depleted, exhausted, and being a nanny! What! Who was this person? 

I quit my job and jumped off the cliff at the beginning of my solo musical journey: it took me a year and a half to manifest my record deal, and I feel I was living in the magic dark almost the entire time. And yes, I had acquired a fuck u fund :). Through nannying! How did your manifestation come through?: Believing in myself and my worth and learning how to love myself and say no. Listening to my sacral response (I'm a generator and reallllly resonated with responding, as opposed to soliciting, was I had done a lot of). I just stayed the course, made the most authentic music I could possibly make, put it out myself, work extremely hard, and persevered. I kept going and believed it would happen. Against all the odds. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: Thisislaurenrocket 


Money / Shadow / No


Shadow Work Led to Manifesting My Expander’s Job


Moving Out of Lack + Leaning Into My Worth