Shadow Work Led to Manifesting My Expander’s Job

Name: Emma Hardman 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: A full-time job in a field I am passionate about, salary starting at 50,000, full healthcare benefits, in the area I live in, no weekend work. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Money and revisiting Unblocked Shadow. I moved through blocks and limiting beliefs of being undeserving of work I enjoy, being too young, that I will never be able to support myself and will need help forever (whether from family, partners etc.). Another block was that I am not qualified to work a great job while young (I am twenty-four!). 

What expanders did you find?: My friends around me who had full-time work, but only fragment expanders as they all have partners who share financial burdens with them. My boss, who was around my age when he started similar work to what I was interested in and had a position I would love to work. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I consistently applied for jobs that would not have been aligned with my highest self, so far as I would interview and be super qualified but never hear back, or not get an interview even though I knew I was qualified for the position. Eventually, my hours at work got cut so bad that I had used almost all of my savings, but I stood in my worth and trusted that something big was coming. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Crickets, no jobs, no hours, sitting in silence, and reminding myself of my worth. 

How did your manifestation come through?: My boss called me into his office, and I assumed that perhaps my job was being scrapped entirely because I had low hours. To my surprise, he informed me he was moving on to a new position, resigned, and recommended me for the position! After a few interviews, a lot of self-worth, and shadow work, I got the position! My salary was higher, my full benefits started immediately, I never have to work weekends, and I get four weeks of paid vacation. I have loved the new position for about two months now and really feeling in my worth. I literally manifested getting my expander's job! 


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