Paid Travel & Three New Contracts During Quarantine

Name: Tia Nation 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: A big overseas trip, partner expanders, time alone, completely releasing the (desperate) desire for a partner and feeling wonderful alone. Way off in the future, I was manifesting a job overseas as a nurse doing fieldwork. This submission is going to be in regards to the current COVID-19 crisis. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started Unblocked Shadow and Unblocked Inner CHild alongside counseling and some past life regressions in 2018 and then progressed to the Pathway and now onto Pathway 2.0. I really dug into Unblocked Inner Child, even going as far as reciting things to myself like "You are safe, I am your parent now" to my inner self every day. The Daily Reprogramming was super important also to continue to reprogram triggers, mostly around not feeling seen or loved for who I was, low worth loops that have dictated what I have attracted my whole life that mirror the unworthiness issues my father has. Money flow has never really been an issue. However, it was the relationships I had with my employers that mirrored that of my father, where I felt strange asking for the things that I wanted or needed in a job for fear that they would think that I was taking advantage of them. 

Dad worked really long hours to provide us with a really good education, a nice house, and a nice holiday every year, but he got really upset and cold when he felt like we didn't appreciate him. Despite that fact, that we were children and didn't know anything different from what we were experiencing. I always had issues asking him for things because he would get angry that I wasn't grateful for what I already had, and often made us feel like we were wasting his money. 

What expanders did you find?: I had been working a really good job as an emergency nurse and left it to pursue four months of traveling around South America, which quickly turned into eight months of traveling. This was so kismet as my savings never seemed to dwindle because I was being paid my vacation leave for most of my travel. I had A LOT of time by myself and really dug into the roadmaps, particularly subconscious cleanse. Once the Pathway 2 came in, I could complete whole workshops on bus rides, particularly while traveling alone through Patagonia. 

I did a volunteer nursing project in Peru that really expanded me into realizing that I was so resilient to uncomfortable situations. My original plan was to get home to Australia and do contract nursing work so that I could travel to different states and move around every three months or so until I found somewhere that I liked and wanted to settle. I ended up meeting a guy in Chile who did the exact same thing as a pharmacist, which expanded me even more into the possibility. This was before the coronavirus. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I had a three month period of traveling alone and not feeling great, just feeling like the loneliness would never go away. I stuck to my instincts and kept working through the root of the feelings. I quit my job completely while I was away (my boss still thought I was coming back afterward), and stuck to volunteering while I was away to build up my resilience, and to come home when I felt like I was ready. In January, I booked the cheapest flight home that I could find, which happened to be March 15, and just volunteered in Chile until then. I had a huge ping to majorly stick to a budget, and even downloaded a budget app. It was around the middle of March that the coronavirus became a global pandemic. 

I am lucky that I didn't have to change any of my plans or flights, as most people I met in Chile had to turn around early and go home to their respective countries. I got home 24 hours after Australia introduced 14-day quarantines for travelers, which I immediately saw as a gift! This has been a time to ground into my priorities, into myself. I did the money workshop for the first time, and with some help from a currency shamanic hack from Shaman Durek, I've had calls from every state with contract work to start this week. The real tests now have been choosing which contract that I want that is really in my best interests. Another test I have faced is anger from my old boss, as he really thought I was coming back, and hospitals are under considerable strain at the moment. I had to find another reference for my resume, unfortunately, but going back to my old job felt like a massive step backward. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I had a few days in my quarantine where I felt like I should go back to my old job, and where I wasn't getting ANY calls. I just had to keep looking after myself, remembering my skills and my worth, and know that the right job was zooming towards me down the manifestation tunnel. The next day I got calls from three Australian states. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I haven't chosen a job yet! But just had to share the manifestations in pandemic times. I also have to mention that I wrote down the list for a secondhand car that I wanted, and my dad casually mentioned that a man was selling one down the road for half the price that I wrote down, mostly because no one is buying at this time of crisis. I needed a car to travel for work, and I am buying the car this week! 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @_tianation


Shadow / Money / Inner Child


Staying Home During The Pandemic + Still Getting Paid


Shadow Work Led to Manifesting My Expander’s Job